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Bong/pipe Resin

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thepookenheimer, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Are they safe to smoke? if i am concerned about keeping my lungs fairly healthy should i refrain from the tarry substance?

    Thanks, Pook
  2. not safe compared to straight weed, but also not the most harmful thing you could smoke. i wouldn't smoke it if you're trying to keep
  3. I've done it before when I was really desperate, but if your concerned with your lungs then I wouldn't. tastes like ass too.
  4. #4 Man Plus Eyes, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Its basically all the tar that didn't make it to your lungs, with some THC left in it too.

    In my opinion, throw it.

    Look after your lungs. You want to be able to smoke with them when you're old.
  5. Its mostly tar and is in no way good for your lungs. Get a GonG tube with a carbon filter adapter, it cleans the smoke more then any amount of water. Just make sure to wash, rinse, and dry the carbon correctly before you use it! dust from charcoal or carbon can give you black lung. Though the water would catch a lot of the dust, its much healthier to wash the carbon first.
  6. #6 Pj1008, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    I smoke resin all the time, probably not the healthiest thing in the world but as long as you don't do it to often i don't see an issue. Some people think it is weird but i love to scrape my bowl and put the resin on top a fresh bowl of dank, you loose all of the taste because resin tastes like shit but you get baked:smoke:

    Ps: Smoke out of a bubbler or bong because resin is very harsh and it will also help filter the tar and stuff.
  7. Thank you all for your answers, they really educated me. I have never heard of a gong tube before. Is it made for smoking resin?

    I dont really want to invest in smoking rezin safe. I also didnt realize the resin wasnt as potent. I've smoked bowl resin in the past and it would work as intended, but this bong resin looks straight up nasty. I'll prolly just go buy some dank here in a bit.
  8. GonG is an abreviation for glass on glass fittings and seals on a higher quality piece if glass.
    The ALL GLASS seal of GonG(aka ground glass on things besides smoking devices) is superior! High quality bongs are pretty mcuh always GonG.
    Its just a diferent kind of bong. There are rubber grommets with O-rings, and then there is Glass on Glass.
  9. aaaahh nice info. Thank you!!! + rep

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