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Bong or pipe?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tristandude3, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. I'm going to try it for the first time either this weekend or next. I'm wondering if I should use a bong or a pipe, whichever is softer on my lungs and throat. Thanks.
  2. Gas mask.
  3. bong for sure. and if its your first time using it, then get ready to get lit lol
  4. A bong is much softer on the lungs and can get you much higher easier. A pipe can be harsh on you throat and lungs without taking a big hit especially if your a noob toker. Go with the bong 100%
  5. with a bong, the smoke is filtered through water and cooled making the hit not as harsh on your throat, the pipe does not.
    plus IMO you get higher quicker with a bong.


  6. exactly what i was going to post
  7. A bong is scientifically proven to get you higher than a pipe. The only THC that escapes, ideally, is in the exhaled smoke.
  8. You just have to be careful, with a pipe you know how much smoke you're getting exactly but with a bong, you have to make sure you are going to be able to clear it. A lot of beginners just fill the chamber and pass it thinking they took a huge hit.

    And I cough way more with bongs because I'm always trying to take huge hits so I don't have room for it all.
  9. BONG no doubt
  10. Bong easy choice choose bong every chance you get
  11. Bong man for sure. If its big enough try to put some ice in it. Have fun your first time and let us know how it went. PEACe
  12. BONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin::bongin:
  13. Vape :D,
    you should definitely use a bong. It's WAY better, you'll get a lot more high off a little amount of weed, it's smooth, smells less, less harsh on your throught, better for you.

  14. nope. not even a vape delivers that kind of effectiveness. but yeah a bong's better. i smoke off pipe's though. they're more portable and i like to collect them since they're cheaper

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