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Bong or bubbler?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tbdakotam, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I'm trying to decide which I should get. In the 40-60 dollar range, I could probably get a better bubbler than I would a bong, and it would be easier to conceal, and more unique, because nobody around here has one.

    I was thinking of an inline(?) because I prefer them over pipe-like bubs.

    But what do you guys think? I'm heading to the shop tomorrow morning.
  2. It's going to be near impossible to find a quality inline bubbler for 40-60 bucks.
  3. Bottomline: should i get a bong, or some sort of bubbler in my price range?
  4. Neither, get yourself a super blunt and a quarter and roll that shit up :smoking:
  5. IMO for that price range I would rather get a bubbler. But thats just me :smoking:
  6. Get a bubbler. Easy to conceal in your pocket unless you get a massive one. My double chamber bubbler is about 4.5in by 5.5in so it fits nicely in my pocket if I'm going somewhere with it.

    Plus, it would be unique in your area like you said.
  7. I went into my headshop thinking the same thing, maybe a 60$ bubbler. Walked out with a 10 inch bong, beaker bottom. Nothing special. Rips well, 70$.

    Bottom line here, don't go into the shop with intention on a specific item, look around and see what catches your eye.

  8. ^THIS^

    Ive seen some good quality spoons/pipes in that price range too.
  9. get a small bong, they hit a lot better than bubblers and still easy to hide.
  10. I was thinking 12"-15" for a bong, but I don't want anything with a metal bowl or stem. I'll settle for glass with rubber grommets, but i'm not sure what I can afford.
  11. For 60 you can get a pretty nice bub. I have a bub and bong and would say go for the bubbler first. Then later on get the bong. 60 will not get you too nice of a bong. Unless you want a mini bong in which case I would prefer a bub.
  12. bong for sure way better and can get some nice ones for 60
    bublers not as good i think but thats me
  13. If you need to hide this piece from parents or something, get a bubbler. Much easier to store and transport.
  14. Personally i would def go for the bong, but if it has to be concealed and stealthy then you should prolly go for the bub.
  15. It all depends what you want to do with it. Bubblers in that price range won't hit anywhere near as well as even a cheap bong. This is coming from someone who has a $35 bubbler. That being said, bubblers are very portable and they will give you a much better hit than a pipe. So if you want something you can discretely carry, then get a bubbler. If you want the best hitting piece you can get for that much money, get a cheap bong.
  16. A bubbler would most likely be easier to conceal(depends on the size). But, a bong is way more comfortable and more efficient to me.
  17. Ended up getting this for 60.

  18. i love your piece
  19. Damn good luck hiding that beast haha.

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