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bong or bubbler? HELP!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by tokerbutts, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. :confused:hey guys i have about 60 dollars i can spend on a weed star bong or a nice bubbler. i live with my parents and my hiding spot is under my bottom dresser drawer ( which CAN fit a bong ) but i have only had a bowl but (its gone now and i have no pieces at the moment) , u think i should get a bubbler first or should i just get the bong? :confused:
  2. I would get a bub if i were in your spot
  3. I've had a bong for a while and I just recently got a bubbler. Needless to say I'm currently using my bong a lot less. :cool:
  4. Bubbler easier to hide.
  5. Bubbler for ease of hiding, get a grav labs showerhead bubbler, I have one, and I like it almost as much as my $250 zong.

    You can't beat a zong though.
  6. thanks for all the helpful posts, im about to get a new hammer bubbler! Toke on! :smoke:
  7. ^ The grav labs bubbler is a hammer bubbler. 16 slit showerhead perc on dat bitch :bongin:
  8. Bubblers are super straight. Sort of annoying to clean(especially ones you cant see all the way through) but really good for on the go smoking. I cant even begin to tell you how many times I filled up my old bubbler at my local parks drinking fountain :cool:
  9. wave i will save up for it! thanks!

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