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Bong noob. Help me out.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by IzZ Tip C, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Sup guys. I'm relatively new to bongs so I have a few questions. I've read mostly everything there is to know on em so it's not like I'm completely in the dark. I've had a 9 inch rubber grommet beaker base and it cracked on me a couple days ago, so I ordered this
    I've read a great deal of reviews and the general consensus is that it's a very good bong for the price. I want to know if this bong is worth upgrading? I was thinking of ordering an inline or a WS Illusion precooler, or both. If so would you guys recommend me some other accessories? Fill me in on sizes and how much water I put in to each of these. I appreciate any help guys.
  2. Do whatever your heart tells you man.
  3. I really wouldn't buy anything until you smoke it, then youre gonna know what you actually need. First i would start with a new bowl, then maybe a diffused downstem if one isn't already provided, then possibly an ashcatcher/precooler and so on. But, before you get to that point you are probably going to realize that you want a different bong with more doodads or bigger or whatever, or maybe you will be happy with that one... let experience guide you

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