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Bong Buying Question

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by EastCoastSwag, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Ok so first off I have never used a bong so I am going to be a first time user and I am just wanting to know what is best for a first time user, Acrylic or Glass. I heard Acrylic wont break like glass will and that's good since my little brother can be a dumbass. But overall whats better?

  2. Go to your lhs and for $20-30you can get a decent glass on glass bong(no rubber on downstem meaning its blown that way)
  3. Never buy acryllic
  4. GLASS.

    Acrylic sucks. Don't buy acrylic. It's hard to clean, will eventually start smelling like shit, and is probably less healthy than glass too. :p

    Glass is better by far. There's just no comparison.

    Tell your brother to be fucking careful, and that if he breaks it, he buys it. :smoking:
  5. Alright so for a first time do you recommend a small bong?

  6. Depends.

    Do you still live with your parents? If there is a risk of your bong getting found and broken by your parents, then definitely don't buy anything expensive.
    If you're going to have to hide it, something small and relatively cheap would be your best bet.

    But you could get a decent small glass bong for probably $30-50.

  7. ^this
  8. My parents know I smoke and don't care since I smoke for medical reasons and is getting medical in November

  9. Then get whatever you want, man. :D

    Want a big bong? Get a big bong. Want a small bong? Get a small bong. Want a bong with percs? Get a bong with percs. :smoking:

    What are you looking to spend?
  10. Well I got a big list of what I'm putting in my stash box. So I'm not sure right now, I know of a good head shop near by and I'm going to go check them out asap.

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