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bong,bowl,or bubbler?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tangyjam, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. thinking about getting my first glass piece. should i get a bowl bong or bubbler? This would be for at home

    only spending up to 65 dollars though. Or should i just invest in a 100~150 dollar bong?

    is there any cheap vaporizers that are better then a bong bowl or bubbler?
  2. Bubbler. You wont regret it.
  3. Just get a bong man if your smoking indoors its better than a pipe.
  4. If you are just starting out with glass, I'd recommend starting with a low cost glass piece. Once you get used to that(smoking, cleaning, etc) then you can upgrade to a tube. You have to get used to using glass and that may include accidentally breaking your piece. Import glass is cheap and it works, but they skip certain steps in the glass-blowing process. The glass is weaker and can break much easier than USA made glass. When it's time for you to upgrade, buy only domestic glass. It will last much longer and is worth the extra money.

    If you try a vape, there are import and domestic brands. My neighbor bought a vape from a website that sells only Arizer, because it is not a cheaply made piece of garbage. GOOGLE prestige pipes and Arizer. He loves it. The site also has instructions on how to use bubblers, vapes, and tubes. GOOGLE prestige pipes use bubbler. They sell and ship everything with no shipping costs! Imports won't guarantee their vapes for very long because they break so often. So be aware of that if you buy a vape. Check the warranty! Vapes are the healthiest way to smoke. If that costs too much, try a bubbler or tube.

    I hope that helps you, man.
  5. LOL the best bongs glass from Canada (Hoss) and Germany (Roor), Americans can make shit for shit. You can get a nice bubbler for $65, but I'd still look for a small glass bong, you can get a nice one for like $80 is you dont mind spending the extra $15.
  6. Just get a bubbler for like $30-$45.
  7. #7 bmoney8806, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Depends on your situation.

    My favorite has always just been a nice glass bowl. They are portable, quick and easy.

    Bubblers are nice and you get the best of both worlds. A pipe that will filter the smoke through water. I always had a hard time cleaning it and repacking.(live at home and have to avoid my mom)

    Bongs are awesome but take up space and are hard to hide. You get what you pay for and i would invest at least $75 or so on a nice glass one.

    I love my vaporizer. I have the DBV and it is one of my best investment just the fact you save alot of weed. You can get a MFLB for around $100 and its a very solid portable vaporizer.

  8. A bubbler is a very good first piece. Got mine on Etsy for $40.08 (go to the site and search "Glass bubbler"). After you have learned how to take care of the piece good and know how to clean it, go ahead and buy a nice bong.

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