hey all, I'm a freshmen in college and my friends and I have gone through our fair share of bongs. We started small with a 14'' local one, and then, when the original broke moved up to about 18''. After that one broke we decided to go all out and bought a Biohazard (tool I know) two footer with three percs and an ashcatcher. Two days later, mid night one of my roommates leaped out of his top (to put out insense ) bunk right on to our brand new tripple perc beauty. So I told the guys I'd buy the next one as I'm the only one of us that is employed. After looking around and hitting a few roors I was pretty sure thats what I wanted. I found the Roor Mini Master on EDIT and it looked good but then when I read this forum I realized there was a lot of water pipe knowledge I was lacking. So I'm willing to spend $200-250, Roor or otherwise, just give me your suggestions. My one prereq would be that it has the double downstem (motherstem -> downstem). What bong would you buy with $200-250?
I'd look for a straight tube with a solid base and 9mm glass, which is gonna be a lot tougher to break. 9mm HVY tubes look like pretty good value to me, tho I don't own any. And you should still have some cash left over for an ash catcher with some percolation.
Checked out HVY but I couldn't find a 9mm straight tube, any other suggestions? BTW this is the minimasterhttp://www.grasscity.com/img/products/fairmaster_l.jpg
Get a US Tubes 9mm they can be found for around $300. Besides I THINK the mini master is only a 3.2mm, if you're in College and a bunch of people will be hitting your tube I don't suggest getting a bong that thin.
But how much shock protection does thicker glass offer? Obviously the thicker the better but is there a point where thicker glass dosent help, a cutoff?
If you have your heart set on the minimaster, go for it. It's definitely high quality. I just think you can get a more rugged tube for your dollar than a 3.2mm Roor. US Tubes, for example, has a reputation for putting out some nearly indestructible bongs. But I don't know where to find them. 9mm HVY can be found on Aqualab, it may be too short for your preference though.
I've narrowed it down pretty well, I'm thinking one of these three. 1. EHLE Glass - 5mm Bent Neck Clear Cylinder Bong - Online Shop 2. HVY Glass - 9 mm Clear Straight 3. Roor Bong 5.0 - 3 Piece
If you go with the Roor I would suggest upgrading to a downstem with diffusion holes or slots. For some reason most Roors only come with a tube downstem. The EHLE may be the same way but I cannot tell for sure from the pic.
DWB LOGiC Series Stemless Waterpipe Shower Head Perc by dwbglass i think it one of the best tubes you could get in that price range