With the recent success of my Second Attemp At Building A Bong and looking through the fancy attchments on other bongs (icecatcher, precooler, etc.) I decided to make some modular attachments for the bongs I built. I present to you [the bong I am considering calling Big smoke] Parts, lots of parts, easy storage. close up of precooler/ascatche thing I put together. also stand/holder, had to build weighted bottom to keep it from tipping over with the attachment on. fully asembled with water, forgot to put the ice in. getiing ready for the hit. 3, 2, 1.... (also ice is in) anyway, works pretty nice, just have to fix a few small leaks/airholes. Takes nice big hits (hence why I am considering calling it "Big Smoke" when its all put together like this) I am work on a nice slow burn right now.... keep forgetting what i am about to say..... makes posting hard....need more oreos....... I know a glass bong would probably smoke better and be of better qualitie but its just so much fun building your own from scratch. will post more on this later when I've sobered out some
Honestly I dont think id ever take a hit from that no offence, looks really grungy, probably would be better if you just used one 2L bottle and the bowl/slider, looks way to long to make as well, and smoking out of plastic bongs is never the best, and where your slider is connected (The RX prescription bottle) make sure the glue yo used is non-toxic because sometimes when smoking you can get the bowl too hot, melt the glue, and inhale dangerous toxins, and it kills your buzz.
I think it might be the overall picture wuality, it was clean. I thought about a 2l but I never have any of those laying around. I tried to avoid using as much plastic as possible, made the bottom of the main part out of a glass jar. the top extension was more of an experiment than an all the time thing, I was trying to somehow add an Ice Cather. I dont think the glue has to much of a chance to melt, its hot glue, and its all on the outside of everything. I'll keep these suggestions in mind if I add to it, maybe I will be able to swap the Perscription bottle for a small glass jar if I can find one.