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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by olylongbord11, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, so im goin to my friends bonfire this friday night and his parents will be there, my mom said it was ok if i go but if i smoke she wont pay for college anymore [still got a year and a half left tell i get my AA] and ill be grounded tell i move out, and get random UA's, if my mom knows theres gonna be a bonfire, how else can i be sure to not get caught?
  2. If she is really that uptight, she will probably test you anyway. college > Weed keep that in mind.
    Why is she against it?
  3. Cause its illegal, her house, her rules, if i get caught then it looks bad on her, etc

  4. lol Just don't get caught dude.
  5. well no shit but you didnt answer question, i meen getting caught by her if she picks me up, how cna i prevent from leading on that i smoked? just say we played video games? i guess ill smell like bonfire no matter what...
  6. Yeah videogames, sports etc. etc. whatever you guys would do sober. You should be fine.
  7. I guess i'd do the same shit sober as high, and since im spending the night i think i should be ok, just shower and stuff in the morning, maybe bring a change of clothes
  8. Thats way more than enough precaution. Have fun bruh:smoke:
  9. thanks man! i can't wait xD

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