Bone and Blood Meal

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Green First, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. I'm using these to go with my soil less mix pro mix bx pro. I've been reading and seeing different pros and cons with bone and blood meal, what does everyone think? Whats my alternative? Whats the biggest problems with bone and blood meal? And my biggest concern, will animals be attreacted to the bone and blood meal?
  2. Most people's problem with bone and blood meal is in the way it's cultivated. Some people are against animal slaughter and thats the way this is usually cultivated. In slaughter houses the blood runs off into a catch and is then processed into what you buy, same with bonemeal. Bones are just taken from the animal,cleaned and then ground up and processed. Alternatives are Bloodmeal: Feathermeal, Alfalfa Meal, Cottonseed Meal, I believe Canola Meal, High N Bat Guano, Sea Bird Guano (Guanos can burn if used in excess). Bonemeal: Fishbone Meal, Rock Phosphate (really slow release) High P Bat Guano, and someothers I fail to remember.
    As for the Animal attraction, I've never heard of this before; I'm unaware of any phermone in these products that would. HTH
    P.S. A more PETA friendly alternative is Chicken Blood and Bone meal harvested from meat chickens.
  3. Green First

    Some of the objections to using bovine fertilizers is the concern over Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). It's my understanding that these specific agents are banned for organic farming in Western Europe - I could be wrong on that in that it may be a few countries and not standard across the EU.

    Alternatives for blood meal (nitrogen) would be alfalfa meal, linseed/flax seed meal, canola/rape seed meal, etc. Any of these will provide you with a solid nitrogen source as well as most of the micro-nutrients. Kelp meal/seaweed extracts will round out the micro-nutrients, potassium, magnesium completely.

    Another good source for nitrogen would be fish meal.

    Alternatives for bovine bone meal would be fish bone meal (5-16-0). This specific product is not cooked but is derived from a hydrolysate process thereby reducing the levels of heavy metals in the final meal.

    There are liquid bone meal products if you're okay with using bovine products. I would opt for bone meal way ahead of blood meal but that's a personal prejudice.



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