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bomb ass headie pick up

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by rastafarmer1, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. so at d mall last night and got some dank ass headies and went home loaded up the pipe gridded it up in a shotglass with scissors so hot boxed in my bathroom but something was different my depth perception was gone all colors and out lines are brighter all most like watching an imax movie it also made me extremely giggly and made it so hard for me to walk ( witch doesn't mean much because i walk with a walker ) and me and my bro smoked it at 1am and i still feel blazed
  2. congrats, sounds like a really nice pick up...
    keep getting :smoking:
  3. Haha nice.

    Welcome to the world of high quality herb.
  4. yeah its some no name stuff 2 not that it makes a difference

    it smells wicked grassly with some sort skunky undertone

    but not a strong smell
  5. Ok, number one: I'm very jealous right now. Number two, I have a big problem with all these strain names. A few days ago my friend came to me with a strain tht was supposedly a cross between purple kush and some other dank. It was decent, but certainly not worth the 70 bucks he paid for an eighth. The next day, I picked up from a local guy I know who grows his own stuff. I blasted off into space, and ended up pitching a tent in my room and "camping out", listening to animal collective for hours on end. That weed was 50 bucks for an eighth. Don't get swindled by names, anyone can call anything whatever they want. If you rele wanna assess quality, just look at the damn weed! Sorry for tht rant, just had to point it out.

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