Bokashi journal

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by MastaP, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. 1.5 hours mid day UVa & Deep/far red only. I noticed the plant growing into the light and getting scorched. I moved the two effected branches to the side and decided to gut the spectrum mid day. This'll save power, drop temps, and from some claims it will help terpene strength. Anyway, i ll do this every so often throughout the week so its not just a regular thing. I purchased a 2x4x6ft tall tent to finish these girls in. The current wooden cab isnt allowing me to raise the light any further. CIMG4821.JPG CIMG4826.JPG CIMG4829.JPG CIMG4830.JPG CIMG4831.JPG CIMG4832.JPG CIMG4833.JPG CIMG4834.JPG CIMG4836.JPG CIMG4837.JPG CIMG4838.JPG CIMG4839.JPG
  2. #22 MastaP, Sep 10, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
    mycelium and probiotic tea. I have made a 2-3 month old EM1/kombucha FPE. I used a half gallon of water, 1:100 EM to water and 1:100 molasses to water, and two cups of homebrew blacktea kombucha. It has a nice SCOBY holding the banana peels together. I used a half gallon of banana/mango peels, some were frozen some not. Then i placed it in a very clean airlock fermenter and let it sit for 2-3 months.

    For the aerated tea here i am using shiitake mycelium on grass/bird seed as well as on brown rice flower and bamboo aged for 6 months. All this was previously culture in a sterile environment and has let set out for a week to accustom to open air. Honestly, this is left over from attempts at fruiting edible mushrooms on odd but cheap substrates. Mycelium is pretty easy to keep alive with the correct environment but wont necessarily have the desire to reproduce, unless fed a particular diet. So, that's about a pint total of mycelium floating on the surface. Mycelium actually can take over a body of water with or without aeration as long as the competition isnt really there. I also added about 8 tablespoons of molasses and a turkey baster of the FPE kombucha.The bacteria in the kombucha should go after the molasses and not the mycelium. In theory. In reality i havent got a clue if the bacteria will attack the mycelium or if mycelium will even make a difference. But, I like the idea of keeping the soil highly productive for reusing and reammending later
  3. one monster crop amnesia clone and two vegetative VCOGxiii/Querkle clones

    yes i still need to paint the cloner white ;)
  4. I planted a sativa dom autoflower named " Creme Bubbly " by Mephisto. I am starting her with 20/4 lighting using a new 41.28w LED i recently built. The diodes are supposedly 216lm/w diodes but i imagine theyre only getting around 170lm/w being driven at this power. Mixed spectrum 2700k/5000k (or something)
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  5. week 6-ish
  6. Creme Bubbly @ 3 days
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