boiling iso?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by brownie9091, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. I read somewhere on the internet that another way to make iso hash is to do the shaking in a jar strain it and all that goodness then boil the iso hash before its evapped and then cool it or some madness is this an effective way has anyone heard of it and how is it done if so?
  2. sure read the top sticky this page
  3. If anyone knew a thing about hash they would realize the best way is to double boil with pyrex. You'd think people on here would know that. You guys are losing trichomes, flavour, and smell when you put a blowdryer on your shit when you put your shit in the oven and I wouldnt be suprised to see a few people burning the iso with fire. Indirect heat fools, look it up, you're all burning your hash. Im sure I sound like a troll but it's a shame to see people doing the things they do. Just want better hash on here not grease/oil from my car. Just fyi if your shit aint amber then your doing it wrong.
  4. Well right now I use osg's golden goodness and it looks exactly like the picture he has up so I think I have that methos down I was just curious to try somethingnew thx guys
  5. Double boiling takes 10 minutes to dry out 1 gram of hash incase you consider it.

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