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Blurple lights

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by Malikswann20, Apr 25, 2023.

  1. OK so maybe I didn't get the memo but why do growers use this light still and if light intensity is the key to bigger buds why were they used in the first place

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  2. Older/cheaper technology. They are of some use if one wants to grow vegetables such as green beans, peas, lettuce, and anything else that doesn't require large amounts of light. I still have some old blurple lights of various wattages that I use for growing said vegetables. I have lettuce under a 25 watt blurple light, does fantastic and I never have to buy lettuce. LED technology has come a long way in the past 10 years.
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  3. Don’t be surprised if come back or some iteration of them. There’s research showing green light in flower reduces thc. All the lights with lm301H and B are pretty heavy on green. give it a couple years
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  4. Would you happen to have the study? I have not read it yet.
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  5. What I'm getting out of reading that study is Isolating the green light only is reducing THC. Green light is needed for certain plant processes and as long as there are ample amounts of blue and red there is no real impact on THC. That's my take on it anyway.
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  6. Never knew that about veggies cool

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