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bluog18/mask/Qdawg 3 week 12/12 pics

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by dagobaker, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. trueblueberry x ogkush18 (Blind Squirrel seeds)
    querkle x chemdog D (Blind Squirrel seeds)
    mask (jack herer x herijuana)
    some 3 weeks of flowering pics
    ces +koolbloom and co2

    Attached Files:

  2. Lookin great, your plants never cease to amaze.
  3. well 77 views and 1 post lol
    thankx for stopping by
    rest will come when the trichomes come
  4. they all sound incredible :smoke:

    querkle x chemdog sounds particularly interesting.
  5. Fuck you

    You don't understand how jealous I am of you right now lol
  6. this room is just about dialed in
    have my recipe perfected (mostly) and adding some great genes
    this whole room minus 4 plants were from seed
    clones will yield even better

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