Get weed Break up weed Split blunt Dump guts somewhere Roll up said weed Still rolling weed Still rolling weed Spark blunt Starts canoeing Ash blunt Fix blunt Ash blunt Cancer in lungs from cancerpaper Almost feel high Ash blunt Starts canoeing fix it Ash blunt Done Break up weed Pack bowl Save weed Time & money High Blunts require the most weed, give you the least thc from said weed. Also "saving time" in groups is bullshit by the time you roll it youd be 3 bowls deep.
Blunts don't canoe at all if you roll them right, plus some people just prefer to smoke like that. Also, blunts and joints are easier to ditch when you're on the move. I'd like to see you hide a bowl somewhere on your person if you get searched by a police officer.
It won't canoe if you roll it right, but I agree I hate blunts. If I offer to smoke some dank with you and you pull out those kool aid flavored cancer papers I can't do it.
joints and blunts are easier to ditch but if youre smart about your smoking you shouldnt have to worry about doing that.... ive done some stealthy ass hits off my MFLB and no one knew lol
Lol trust me ive been rolling dutchies for years, im talking when you match and numbnutz sitting next to you looks like hes writing a doctorate while rolling the el Also I can just smoke at my house so why risk smoking in the car... Pretty much the easiest way to get caught
Joints>Blunts. Personally I find the process of rolling joints/blunts very nice and calming. In the end you get to light up your finished product, kickback and chill without packing bowls. I would much rather carry an easy to dispose of, easily enjoyed in public joint/blunt than paraphernalia. Canoeing is determined by your roll and consistency as well as how you start it off. Solo I would prefer a bowl/bong but in group situations or kicking back I would pick a blunt over a pipe. I think there's occasions for all forms and if one doesn't work for you then don't do it. Peace.
Blunts I've found are a mostly white suburban thing, I find these kids think they are hood driving in their fathers beamers listening to whiz khalifia smoking a blunt, and the kids who think a blunt gets them the "highest" are usually the ones shooting up smack a few years later because that's what gets them the "highest". Don't get me wrong I appreciate a nice blunt in the appropriate setting, but there are better ways to appreciate the herb....
[quote name='"B33PB33P"']I agree accept its bimmer lolol sorry its a pet peeve[/quote] Dude its definitely B E A M E R
Learn to roll a good blunt. Then it won't canoe and you'll be super lit. That is if you can roll a good blunt
[quote name='"BearJew420"']Blunts I've found are a mostly white suburban thing, I find these kids think they are hood driving in their fathers beamers listening to whiz khalifia smoking a blunt, and the kids who think a blunt gets them the "highest" are usually the ones shooting up smack a few years later because that's what gets them the "highest". Don't get me wrong I appreciate a nice blunt in the appropriate setting, but there are better ways to appreciate the herb....[/quote] Aweful description. Blacks smoke pretty much nothing but blunts. At least lower class black's. I've met maybe 1 white person that'd take a blunt over a pipe. Personally I love blunts, but they take a lot of weed, theyre more of a treat, preferably ill smoke out my car with a blunt at like 4 in the morning. No ones around its peaceful as fuck to look around. There's a new fuckin thread about this every goddamn day. I smoke how I want, you smoke how you want, blahblahblah. Idk what the fuck canoeing is or whatever you said but if your talking about a runner than you just need to practice your rolling.
Racist but true. Like 95% of the black people I came across when I lived in a primarily black town, wouldn't touch a pipe. Half didn't even know how to fuckin hit one. Blunts all day.
I was a teenager not too long ago. And this man's statement is completely true. I saw these kids at this party with a Silver Surfer Vaporizer who are the type who everyone considers to be the "biggest stoners around" or whatever, you know what I'm talking about. Needless to say, they tried convincing the entire group that their blunt would get everyone much higher than the SSV. When I tried explaining the undeniable efficiency and practicality of vaporizers, everyone started trying to tell me that blunts get you wayyyy higher. Why do so many young stoners think blunts are "the shit?"
I aint really a fan of blunts. I just hit the bong everyday, people always go "You're black and you don't like BLUNTS?!" like it's some sort of fuckin blasphemy. I just think they taste nasty man, n hittin the bong is so enjoyable.