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blunts/blunt wraps in a rolling machine?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokeIllestBuds, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. I've been lookin around, I can't manage to find what i'm lookin' for.

    So, I've got my eye on one of those cigarette rollers.
    I've heard that you can put some plant in there instead of tobacco.
    1. Is this true? Will the roller roll me a joint?
    2. Would it be possible to use a blunt wrap instead of rolling paper? (I know its too big, but if I were to cut the wrap down to size, would that work?)

    i mean i love smoking joints but i wanna try and smoke an Al Capone type of joint.
  2. 1. The roller wont automatically roll you a joint, however it's extremely easy to use and will roll a near perfect joint 99% of the time.

    2. Seems like it would work to me lol...
  3. lmao i know it dont do it automatically you gotta put the weed in and put the paper in and such

    and have you ever tried doing it?

    rolling joint w/the rolling machine

  4. Yeah I've done it twice on my friends roller, came out perfect each time. I'm gonna be grabbing one on my next headshop trip.
  5. I have a roller and love it. the only issue is sometimes im too stoned to figure out which way the glue on the paper has to face so ill go through a couple papers to get it right.

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