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Blunt wraps safe?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by polak, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I was just wondering if those sketchy blunt wraps you buy at a sketchy store are safe? Are they less healthier then dutches? Thanks
  2. Blunt wraps in general are bad for you and worse for your health than dutches. So many chemicals for the flavoring. Dutches aren't the best for you either, but if you just smoke like 1 a day (for Dutches) I wouldn't worry. But try to save wraps for special occasions. :)
  3. smoking anything isnt good for your health lol...your lungs werent made to ingest smoke

    i dont like wraps just cause they are annoying to work with...stick to cigars..less chemicals and bs in them like above poster said

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