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Blunt - Quick Question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by werdupmang, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Can I roll a blunt (white owl) and leave it on my desk to smoke tmrw or will it dry out?
  2. Put it in a pill bottle, then put that in a ziplock.
  3. Chances are the paper will be more stale than it was before, I advise waking up earlier and rolling it in the morning.
  4. #4 haggs, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    if you can find a pill bottle big enough the ziplock bag really isn't needed haha

    EDIT* what you should do(as everyone should) is buy the 2 pack of white owls...that way you can seal it back shut after your done rolling it and it's not in any bulky container or anything
  5. tip for the future: buy a game (the one in the case) and put ur blunt in their. air tight and perfect for concealing smell

  6. A video game case is by no means "air tight".

  7. [​IMG]
  8. Lol I hope you were being funny :)

    If not, it's kewl, not everyone knows or heard of Games.

    They're pretty nice smokes man, my fav is either White Grape or Green [Honey + Vanilla]

  9. i explained to him lol. white grape is beast imo :smoke:
  10. Simply putting the blunt in a rolled up baggy would keep it from drying out and getting stale

    Not very complicated... Dont need special boxes and pill bottles LOL please...

  11. ehh. they dont do as good a job. i know from personal experiences

  12. Lol i was not being funny, usually when I roll blunts i use a wrap or a philly and dont usually check out different cigar types, so yea i had no idea what Game blunts were. But the OP informed me.
  13. Its all good, the blunt won't get stale over night.
  14. how about a humidor, or a cigar box?
  15. I garentee it would dry out a bit and smoke way faster and harsher! but think of it like bread.. If you leave it out its gets really dry.. even if its for a night.. So you put in in a bag and what happens? ITS PERFECT :D

    So yeah just put in a quick baggy and you will be happy :)

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