Blunt Drive gone WRONG

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by foamdohm, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. hahah OHHH SHIIT MANNNNN hhaha
  2. lol where you from in wi man? cause all my friends cruise and smoke too.
  3. #43 foamdohm, Mar 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2010

    first of all nothing went wrong for me besides a little scare, which is always fun, thats why people ride rollercoasters. second im on my home from a pickup and was eager to blaze. and third where do u get off insulting me guy? if you really knew your shit like your acting you do, you would tell me it was in poor judgement, instead of insulting me, but thats an IF which isnt, so good day ya prick

    I guess this is why Rummy made me a mod, because I wouldn't have retaliated by name-calling I would have simply reported his post and let the mods deal with it. Please read the rules before posting again. ~AK~
  4. hahah fuck that

  5. 85% chance youve almost gotten busted before, that doesnt make me an asshole, go eat shit and die
  6. Im in green bay man. Their are so many roads that follow the fox river, and run along

    the bays shorline. I'd just much rather go on a peace cruise than sit at home and get

    high. Except for wen im sittin in front of the computer on GC!
  7. while lmfao and readin this again i figured out where i went wrong i should have not made a right

    because the exit could only be left

    since it was the other side of the parkway, but then again i was stoned........ at least now i have that

    fact registered for next time im high
  8. haha i dunno wat id do. id prolly freak get out my car and start running screaming "YOULL NEVER CATCH ME!" all the while no ones chasing me and cops are just watching me out the window like "watch watch! hes freaking! ITS GREAT!" lol
  9. this had me fucking dying ahahahaha just imagining a lil blue mazda with some dude sittin in it STONED as FUCK like nothins happening and then all of a sudden hes just like SHIT...looks around and drives off ahahah
  10. holy shit kid. thats a mad scary blunt ride
  11. damn i got a couple of extrepic stories of driving. one of them is passing a blunt on the highway from one car to another. and my other one is when i got pulled over at a shell and the cop searched me in 4 kids. one of them had a quater. he stuffed it down his pants while the cop was searching me then in the end he found a roach let us go and we drove by again and seen the cop toking up the roach of green crack:smoking::smoking::smoking:
  12. its possible....
  13. Am I the only one who gets some facepalm action from reading this story? [​IMG]


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