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Bluedream x kush salad blunt*

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mikesu58, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. My boy is coming over with his stash of Blue Dream and i've got some firee kush. So we're about to roll a 1g mixed blunt! Shits gonna be epic. I'll post some pictures of this shit as it goes down when he gets here lol
  2. Why not make this thread when you had pictures?
  3. why make it 1g? make it 2 at least son
  4. All i need to see was your avatar im out
  5. I don't even like Mac miller like that lol, I just liked his album cover. New avatar better? I think so anyway. :smoking:
  6. I think every time someone smokes, they should post about it in a new thread

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