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Blueberry Kush

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Prof. Oak, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. How much should I expect to pay per gram of some legit blueberry kush in the midwest?

    thanks in advance
  2. 20-30? It really depends on the guy...
  3. Nah, I'd say 15-20. I'd almost GUARANTEE 15-20. probably get 1/8th for 50.
  4. 15-30 I guess.
    But you never know if its legit or not unless you go to a place like this.[​IMG]
  5. I would say no more than $20 a gram. If it is more than dont pay it. Never pay More than $20 a gram for any weed, just not worth it.
  6. 20 a gram. Its good weed. I find it more euphoric then anything. If you like the heavy hitting couch lock knock you on your ass weed, this isnt it. It is more uplifting and a good day time smoke. I really like it but I could take an 8th to the dome in a day and be able to fuction.
  7. #7 Nosphaer, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010

    I dunno about the midwest but my guy here in Cali has a good source, find a lazy dealer and apparently (as i learned last friday) this is the second time I got a dimes worth
    (little over a gram) of good Blueberry for 5 bucks.:)
  8. Thanks guys that helps:hello:
  9. $20 is about right. You shouldn't be paying more then $20 for a gram.
  10. i bought some just last week and it cost me 55 for 7g...
  11. i get O's for 220 and the girl i buy off of gets it for 190 so really its all about who you know and how high up they are
  12. No more than 2o a g
  13. Proly 20 a G. Thats what i pay in Upstate NY.
  14. From January 2010:


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