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Blueberry Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ziggyzong402, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. just picked up a half slice of blueberry kush paid 25 cuz my connect is fam. havent smoked any yet so idk if its legit or not but it looks DANK dont really do justice(still workin on it give me time lol)tell me wat ya think:smoking:

    Attached Files:

  2. looks bomb,have fun smoking it :bongin:
  3. thanks, ihavent got a chance to smoke any yet but im ganna load a fat bong bowl wit the homies:smoking::smoking::smoking:
  4. sweet christ that looks beautiful

    looks like some snowcap i had a few weeks ago, hairy as shit
  5. Nice bud. Pretty good price for 1.7!
  6. wow that first pictures epic
  7. God damn. I love blueberry sooooo much.
  8. #8 dayvan cowboy, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
    that's the stuff right there.
  9. thanks homies im ripped rite now but the craziest shit just happend to me
  10. Damn! Very nice bud...
    That looks frostier than the mountains in Colorado! :hello:
  11. hell ya bro i love that blueberry goo kush, i used to get it all the time shits mad dank

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