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Blueberry Haze and Outdoor Skunk #1 Nova Scotia Pick-Up

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by momoiverson, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Yo. What's up GC? First off, I will apologize for the crappy webcam pics, but it's all I have to work with right now. Will probably pick up a cheap camera when I get paid next Friday, so expect to see some actual HQ pics haha. Anyways here it goes.

    1. Blueberry Haze- Blueberry x Haze
    This shit is unreal; some of the best dank I have smoked... ever. The stuff actually smells like blueberries and tastes like them too; it's insane, the blueberry completely overtakes the haze in the smell and taste. However, after one hit, you feel the haze background, as it hits the head really hard; first hour is an unreal upbeat head high then it starts to morph into a bit of a chill indica for the last hour of the high. This stuff is great! And oh so potent, 2-3 hits will keep me rippped for 2~3 hours.

    2. Skunk #1
    This is some of the best outdoor I have smoked. A lot of people harvesting, so outdoor is abundant and cheap. But unlike most, this stuff is good. A really classic hybrid that literally smells like a dead skunk on the highway, and I mean it smells! Even a gram of this shit will wreak up a small room when unwrapped. More of an indica hybrid, as the sativa head rush only lasts for the first couple of minutes after you take a hit. The stuff lingers and keeps you high for a really long time. More of an evening night time smoke in my opinion. Smoke is smooth and the only way to describe the taste is as 'chronic'... basically how you would expect weed to taste.

    Again, I apologize

    Attached Files:

  2. for the web cam pics. So please do not post just to complain about the pic quality.
  3. Looks good man
  4. im loving the nova scotia pick up!, good to see another scotian on here.
  5. Word... assuming you are from Dartmouth, just by the name haha. Ya, wait till I get a camera, I have been saving atleast 1 bud from all the dank I have gotten in the past month. Right now I have Jack Herrer, Hogsbreath, Lavender, QC Kush, and then these 2 (bluberry haze and skunk #1). Next week I should be getting some retarded stuff from BC and possibly some good bubble hash too. Will keep ya posted.
  6. thats so awesome iv had Jack Herrer, Hogsbreath recently too, and my friend had some lavender, your lucky to still find these, iv been looking cant find any high grade right now

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