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Blueberry Diesel!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by PintSizeSlash3r, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. So my dealer just got a half o of Blueberry Diesel. Around my area, there's a lot of BS, but I know this guy good so I figured I'd give him a chance. I bought a gram for $20 yesterday, and my god, I didn't regret it! I took three hits and I was straight out fried for two hours straight and had a buzz for two more hours after that. I took the pic with my phone so I couldn't focus up close, but here it is:


    Oh, and it smells so much that I goes through two ziplock bags and stanks up the whole bucket thing that it's in
  2. send me some :D
  3. Sounds awesome:yummy:
  4. i hate seeing thread names like this only to see a poor quality pic of 1 tiny lil nugglet
  5. i feel ^^^, we already cant get a smell and now this guy wanna add a shitty pic wit a pubic hair sized nuglet lol, keep puffn stay green and keep ur mouth shut and ur trap open :cool:
  6. Sorry guys this is my first post and I'm on my cell so I can't take macro pics. But I'll remember for next time
  7. Ignore the haters man, but that does looks like some nice bud :D.
  8. Fuck those guys, looks good to me!

    Get high!

    Although i can see that u are and will =D
  9. Yeah man, I bought 2 g's of that blueberry D last week, that shit's fire! Keep smokin good
  10. Hey man I'm on my iPhone have some pics of jack herer having probs putting pictures on here can I get some help plz :)
  11. wow..didnt realize i sounded like such a douche! its nice! i jus t got a half o of some
  12. Wow it seems to be HIGH in demand

    /bad joke
  13. had a bit of that stuff around here....put me to bed at 8:30 :smoke:
  14. looks great probably smells great too. nice pickup

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