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blue dream!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by charmandy, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. bought some blue dream last night for $35 and 1/8

    its awesome. it's my first time buying more than just a gram of anything dank (cause i'm poor and generally stick to the decent mids i get from the same guy i bought the blue dream from)

    im high lol. and very happy with this kickass deal/weed i got. just thought i'd share!
  2. rock on charmandy

    I wish i could get the same deal as that in our location. I usally have to pay $50

    I had bluedream before, It was some good dank
  3. good price. ne pics?
  4. Pics!

    And what's with everyone getting Blue Dream lately... it's like all I see people talk about.
  5. ur dealer is tryn to get ur tolerence up and hooke on a more potent product. so then he will make more money from you!
  6. its one of the most popular medical sativa strains.
  7. Wow, that sounds great, good price. Enjoy the wonder beautiful delightful amazing world of dank.

  8. That's what it's sounding like. 'Cause 'everyone' has it.
  9. sounds like your stepping up your smoke game nice to hear:smoke:
  10. that explains a lot
  11. Im happy you have some of the good,
    but really who cares what you have without pics?

    You could be smoking on some nasty for all we know.
  12. Just picked up some blue dream. Tastes fucking beautiful out of my bong.


    Thats what proper blueberry haze should look like ;) (credit Brumac for pic)
  13. Blue dream is one of my favorite strains! It was actually the first weed I got high on. At the time I didn't even know it was Blue Dream, but then a year later I picked up some more Blue Dream, and I knew I had discovered my "first weed."
  14. lol, my tolerance is already high

    ive been smoking everyday for like 2 years now. :)

    its really just an honest bunch of people, i get my mids $30 a quarter from the same dude, his prices are redonkulous. and his pot rocks.
  15. Its sooooooooooooo good. lol:hello:: I usually gotta pay 55 an eighth though. totally worth it.
  16. I have some blue dream as well right now. Try mixing it with a nice sativa. Best high ever.
  17. Blue Dream is awesome, it's also an amazing medicinal strain has high CBD/CBN I believe along with high THC
  18. cool i just bought some too.. 5 grams for 40 bucks
  19. I get blue dream for $40 an 8th :/

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