Hi guys Well I have finally got my hands on a Blue Cheese seed and five Dutch Dragon Seeds, so this is my first proper grow. I am STILL waiting for a few bits to finish my wardrobe off, but these should hopefully be here by Tuesday/Wednesday, so pics will be updated then. So far I have popped the BC seed and potted it, see day 1 pics, and my Dutch Dragons are in water, 4 of the 5 have popped so far, so these will be potted either tomorrow, (Sunday), or Monday. Please bear in mind this is my first proper grow, criticism, help and advice is greatly appreciated. My grow room, (wardrobe), consist's of the following: 1 x 125w 6400K bulb (Veg time) 1 more available if needed 1 x 125w 2700K bulb (Flower time) 1 more available if needed 1 x Carbon filter running through 4 inch fan (exhaust) 1 x sunmaster hood 1 x 4 inch fan hooked up to hood (exhaust) 1 x 4 inch to bring air in (intake) 2 x fan speed controllers (1 x 2 way running exhaust, 1 x 1 way running intake) Usual thermometers, humidty meters etc. Canna Terra Vega (vegetative nutes) Canna Rhizotonic (repotting nutes) Canna PK13/14 (flowering nutes) I will also be getting some CannaBoost to go with the PK13/14 for flowering and some Canna Flores for the Vegatitive to go with the Terra Vega You all know about Blue Cheese, if you don't then head to the search link up there and poke in Blue Cheese, but i'm not sure everyone knows about Dutch Dragon, so I shall quote the pack!!: "Dutch Dragon is a huge sativa variety that produces superb yields from long sticky colas. When grown outside mid October is favourable for harvesting this dragon who can get as tall as 3 metres". Type: Sativa/Indica (75/25) Flowering time: 63-70 Days indoors Effect: A nice clear high with relaxing effects Smell/Taste: Fruity/sweet The Dutch Dragon is from Paradise Seeds, the Blue Cheese is from a good friend who plays about with crossing and growing, he is currently working on a Lemon Haze x Blue Cheese, names on a postcard please, lol, so far I have come up Beezy Lemonhazy!! Pics are here: Day 1 Blue Cheese 9:00am Day 1 Blue Cheese 9:00am Day 1 Blue Cheese 9:00pm Day 1 Blue Cheese 9:00pm Dutch Dragon Seeds Wardrobe - Not finished Wardrobe - Not finished Seeds Hope you all enjoy this grow and as said earlier, criticism, help and advice greatly appreciated. FB
Hi guys Back for an update. The Blue Cheese is 6 days old and seems to be doing fine, I think!! lol 2 of my 4 Dutch Dragons have popped their little heads up this morning and also seem to be doing well. I have a question: I only have about 2 to 3 feet of grow space under my light, will this be enough or will the yeild be pants? I was planning on vegging them to about 18 inches then put them to flower, does this seem like a good idea or would I be best to LST, fimming or something else to get a better yeild? Cheers for any advice and heres some pics, hope you enjoy: Blue Cheese @ 6 days Dutch Dragon 1 @ 1 day Dutch Dragon 2 @ 1 day Overall Finished Cabinet Thats all for now folks
LST and FIM'ing is ALWAYS a good idea with limited space. By the way that grow cab is a pretty sweet setup. LST will keep them under the height you want, and FIM will give you the most bud sites within that height constraint. Once they are about 4 inches just bend them over and let them grow. FIM when they start to shoot up new bud sites. Just FIM the main cola and you will be good.
Thanks GrassyYoungOne, much appreciation for your kind words, glad to hear theres some one else with a moderate grow size. How have you done with this size?
Hi CK, thanks for stopping by and for the kind words. Great stuff, I'v done some reading on LST'ing so will do some research on FIM'ing and give it a go! Is it a good idea for a beginner in your opinion?
I did both on my first grow. There is really no chance of hurting them with LST, and if you screw up the FIM the first time then basically you have just topped the plant, which is also a good way to go. Basically, FIM'ing is just a modified form of topping. Only, instead of getting a guaranteed 2 tops (like with topping), you have a chance of getting between 2-6 tops. It is kinda a lottery shot, but you really can't mess it up, even if you do it completely wrong. Just take the inner node of the new bud site and snip the top so that about 10-20% of it is left and it will shoot out anywhere from 2+ new shoots. There is a really good video of it on Youtube that you can check out. Only suggestion for LST training is use something that won't cut into the stem. I went to Wal Mart and got some landscaping ties. It is a roll of about 150 feet of little green twist ties. They work well because they hold in place but are not super tough on the stems. Another option is pipe cleaners because they have the soft outer edge which protects the stem. Just bend them over (almost horizontally) until you feel the plant build up tension in the stem. I bent mine over almost all the way to the ground and they were just fine. Since your plants are still fairly green you won't have a problem with overbending.
Cheers CK, great info there, when shall I start the LST'ing? I'll go have a look for that video now and try to familarise myself with it!
Sorry, start LST'ing when they are about 4 inches tall. When they are that young don't bend them too much, and then just gradually apply more pressure to the ties every couple days and the plant will basically naturally grow itself into whatever shape you want. Then as the stem hardens it will hold that shape easier (usually about 3-4 weeks old). I also saw that you have more lights available. I would recommend adding them in when you start to LST. The training sometimes stunts growth for a day or two when you first start it, and the extra light will help counteract that.
you might want to look into more indica dominant strains. great strains youre planning on using, your not gonna get a great yield growing sativas with cfls. dont get me wrong, youll get bud, but sativas require alot more light than indicas. my personal opinion from the sativas ive grown. good luck!
Great stuff, thanks again for the info. I'v had a look at a couple of vids on youtube, I get it now, the only thing I don't understand is where you cut it, is it the second set of leaves the stem grows out of that I need to cut? I'v got pipe cleaners so will use them when my ladies are big enough. Thanks once again, great info, much appreciated.
Hi Trucha, thanks for stopping by, ye after reading a few threads on here a while back I realised my mistake, I had already bought the Dragons though, purely on their name!! lol, and the Blue Cheese seed was given to me by a mate, so I thought what the hell, i'll give it a go as well!! I do have a handful of Lemon Haze seeds, do you know if these are Sativa or Indica dominant? And also what seeds would you advise trying for maximum yeild under the CFL's? Thnaks once again for the advice
anything with haze attached is mainly sativa. hazes are known to grow really tall and lanky. im experimenting myself. i flower under a 400watt hps and veg under 125 watt cfl. this run im doing a test on 2 hash plants. the hps grown is significantly bigger and thicker than the cfl grown. the hash plants im growing stay pretty short. i recommend a kush. 1 strain i really like, is easy to grow and stays pretty damn short is called deep purple from subcool-tga seeds. with a short stout height u would get the most out of your cfl by being able to keep light closer. i have a thread named "my deep purple before chop". check it out n see my deep purple. deep purple very highly recommended!
Nice one Trucha, I shall have a look for your thread and put it in my favourites to read tomorrow as its bed time for me!! lol Thanks again, i'll do a search online and get some ordered for my next round!
Not neccessarily for CK, but, I will need to transplant the girls in to bigger pots, I am looking at doing this around the 14 day mark, can I assume that I shall start the LST'ing and FIM'ing after transplanting? I have been advised to transplant first, give them a couple of days to recover and then start the training. Just want this confirming if possible. Oh and CK, i'm still waiting for my other bulb, its getting a little annoying now, its been on order for like 3 weeks!!! So once it arrives i'll wire up another holder and stick it in, I dont have another hood though, will this be a problem? Cheers
I dont have a journal but I started a thread. My set it's not fully complete. I have a cabinet like the one that they use in school classroom all set up. But I want to do a closet as well. My closet is a bit bigger than yours but I like the way you did. Just slowly working on it. I have 4 seeds right now germinating there about 4 days old. I'll show you a pick when I get home. Those 4 seeds I have them on 4 65 watt cfl each equivalent to a 100 watt. I use those to germinate. When I move them to veg. There going into the cabinet.