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blowjobs and tongue rings.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by weebietheweed, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. So I know this is a little strange thread here... But I feel like I have to tell someone and I can't really tell any friend cuz... well the girl is a co-worker and I'm not even tryin to get rumors started and yada yada yada it's on the DL.

    The other night I was partyin and got pretty hammered. Long story short, I end up hookin up with a co-worker. She was giving me literally the best blowjob of my entire life which was fucking awesome and all... but then I started to feel something... strange down there. She was doing something... different for lack of a better term with her tongue ring. I seriously couldn't figure out what the hell she was doing down there until around the third time. It finally dawned on me what the FUCK she was doing.

    She was sticking either the bottom or the top of her fucking tongue ring IN MY PEE HOLE!!!!! I immediately stopped her. FYI girls this does NOT feel good. It's weird and strange and not cool man not a cool thing to do with your unsuspecting dude.

    Well now this is a couple days later and my pee whole is hurting like a son of a bitch on fire! I'm really not sure if she stretched that bitch out at the tip or if she gave me some kinda STD. It doesn't hurt when I piss just every other minute it fucking hurts and I have to adjust to get the pain away. I'm going to the doc tomorrow to check on something and I might as well get an STD test... god I hope it's nothing... Just a stretched out piss hole I guess... And hopefuly it's like a vag gettin a LITTLE stretched.. ya know eventually it goes back to normal.

    yea... fuck my life :smoke:
  2. Haha oh shiiiiit
  3. that was her long awaited revenge on you
  4. so its not cool to put tongue in the piss hole? /: ...i hope its not an STD man ):
  5. Are we talking dainty fashionable tongue ring?

    Or industrial bolt through human flesh kind of thing?
  6. Best combination since peanut butter and chocolate.

    EDIT: Oh shit, I didn't read the thread. Urethral insertions are not cool.
  7. ouch bro, ya i am not a fan of piercings coming in contact with Mr. Johnson i don't like it one bit so i sympathize.

  8. It was definitely a decent size tongue ring. Not like a fucking spike on it or anything just the average barbell looking tongue ring. Still, not cool.
  9. true story- i knew a guy (not anymore lost contact) and one time he got so drunk and horny he told us he put a fork in his piss hole?!!! like on of the points of the fork?... and he pissed blood for a while, and he liked his little finger in that hole..
    i mean, its not a vagina, its a penis hole /:

    ... Yeah...
  10. did she actually stick it IN your pee hole?or just like the outside of the peehole,cause that feels nice.:wave:
  11. ahh that made me cringe
  12. Sounds like she streched your shit OUT
  13. you shouldn't have stolen her lunch out of the company fridge

    now she gone widened your peepee hole
  14. Can some one help me out here? Is this fucking hilarious? or am I just that stoned?
  15. Now this is hilarious.
  16. i read this whole thread squeezing my dick in pain

  17. yea dude... it's a pretty unfortunate sequence of events... :(
  18. I'm probably the only one here with his opinion, and I'm sorry bro that she wasn't good at it but I think it feels fuckin awesome. The tongue ring cant be too big, and she has to be good at it, not rough, but it can be amazing. if she just surprised you with it i bet it was awful, i literally feel for you. 
  19. Wtf were you searching to revive a 3 year old thread about stretched piss holes? Lololol

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