blowback for dummies

Discussion in 'Politics' started by yurigadaisukida, May 2, 2013.

  1. Question 1:
    Your country is being invaded because of a terrorist infestation.
    Your kid dies as a result.of.collateral damage.

    Do you
    A: accept your kids death as collateral damage for a good cause.

    B: blame the terrorists and join the invaders

    C: go crazy with grief over the injustice, sympathise with the terrorists, and then become one yourself.

    Question 2:

    You are starving to death due to sanctions on your country.

    Do you

    A: rebel against your leader so the sanctions stop

    B: accept that the sanctions are nessesary and your just a nessesary sacrifice

    C: developed a deep hatred for the sanctioning country and become a terrorist?

    Question 3:
    A foreign government just overthrew your leader and replaced it with a worse one. Then left you to suffer.

    Do you
    A: thank the invaders for giving you democracy

    B: overthrow the new leader

    C: blame the invaders for fucking up your country even worse and become a terrorist
  2. Whatchu talkin' 'bout? they're all insane in the middle east! durka durka durka
  3. I could be wrong. Maybe Muslims are just all.psychopaths who hate freedom and that's why they

    LOL. People are fucking dumb
  4. The problem is people can't even truly consider another's point of view...I try to explain this, the forces that motivate masses of individuals to become terrorists, yet most people won't even listen to it. They're obviously all just insane over there, it's impossible that there might be actual causes for it. And trying to explain these motivational forces means you are justifying/condoning/supporting terrorism, of course.
  5. All muslims must be psychopaths bent on destroying americas freedom! :rolleyes:
  6. Guess who predicted 911 before it happened?

  7. funny thing is that the CIA pretty much invented that term.

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