Blow my mind

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by biggg bassset, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Do you know that feeling of your head exploding after pondering on a crazy ass question like if the universe is a box then whats outside that box?

    I love thinking about shit like this so I propose an open invitation to blow my mind to smithereens with similar questions or quotes :)
  2. "Imagine that you're looking at a familiar room with familiar people. One day you realize that there is something "fuzzy" about the boundaries/outlines of everything you see.

    Soon you begin to see the movie projectors above the ceiling. You see rays of colored lights being beamed to every object in the room. You follow the trails.

    Soon you get it.

    Every single thing that you have ever seen is nothing but a projection of light. A virtual reality. A lie.



    Dust in rays of light that form images.

    As you walk towards the objects, people and existence that you had believed all your life, they start to vanish. You realize they were nothing but ghost images ("wisps" as Dreamer says).

    Then you realize the big one.

    You are nothing either.

    But vague dusty light rays. And as you think of that, you begin to fade.

    The only way to NOT fade (you believe) is to not "know" this anymore.

    So you spend the rest of your days trying to NOT know. to NOT think. Trying to not let yourself disappear into utter oblivion.

    See, not only is your BODY an illusion, your Self is an illusion. There is no core. Whatever you once thought of when you said your own name is gone. There is no one in there. And never was.

    Then you realize that even oblivion is a facade.

    Nothing. Is.

    And you spend the rest of your days in silent abject horror.

    THAT, my dear, is Depersonalization. At its deepest.

    And I lived with it for years. It is not insanity and it is not "truth"

    But nobody IN that state can believe it isn't.
    It is a hideous fantasy of self-annihilation.


    p.s. now don't keep re-reading this description in hopes of "grasping" it, etc. It will just give you more "Jeeeeheebies". There is no way to MASTER a fantasy of annihilation. Elsewhere. Other. Stop walking INTO the smoke. "

    pretty math if ur high
  3. Yeah man I just had a few bongs and read it once and i had no idea what that meant but it did indeed devastate my mind thank you sir
  4. The universe if infinite.

    Our universe is one of one hundred million universes in one multiverse.

    Are there one hundred multiverses in an even greater multiverse?

  5. I think its just the size of what your creating with those words of yours, that fucks with me.

    Think of all the planets in all that shit.

  6. Yeah we are truly irrelevant to the universe in the grand scheme of things.
  7. The letter W, is meant to be pronounced "double-u". Honestly I didn't find that out until I was 17 or 18 and it blew my fucking mind. Never gave it any thought growing up, always assumed it was phonetically "dubba-u" LOL :bongin:
  8. yeah letters are pretty weird. "double-u" is a pretty long name for a letter. also h is pronounced "aich". i never visualize the word aich when i say it, i associate the sound completely with the letter h, so reading "aich" is weird to me.
  9. The English language is weird - full stop.

    You go into the woods and chop down a tree. You then cut it up to build a cabin, it catches fire and is raised to the ground.
  10. #10 biggg bassset, Jul 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    It should be pronounced double v really :)
  11. Literally every single thing that has ever happened. Every death, every accident, every war, every collison of particles, every single thing recorded in human history and far back beyond it, has lead up to me typing this on the keyboard,And created today.That shit always blows the hell out of my mind
  12. Did you know that pigs are the fourth most intelligent animal in the world?

    or that dinosaurs didn't eat grass. There was no grass in the days of the dinosaurs.
  13. two things always blow my mind:

    1 - we are all joined. there is no boundary's between anything. think of it all on an sub-atomic scale, where is the divide between me and the socks i'm wearing? then between them and my shoes, then the ground. etc. if you go down small enough, its just one atom sat next to another atom. nothing else.

    2 - re-incarnation! this started off as me trying to rationalize reincarnation...
    we're made up of matter/energy, so when we die our energy is consumed by other animals, who then use that same energy to reproduce, thus a "part" of us is then in an animal. if a worm eats part of us, then a bird eats the worm, then the bird is killed by a cat etc... that bit of energy could be transfered through each being.

    also - how insignificant we are. 80 years, on a tiny blue planet, in amongst millions of other planets in a galaxy, then millions of galaxys, and possibly multiverse aswell. i enjoy explaining it to people who have never really thought like that before, and seeing the expression on their face when it all "clicks" is priceless.
  14. Going off of Kipper66's post, it blows my mind that some of those atoms can have such an attachment, that I dont fall right through the floor. Or that I don't push my finger right through the keyboard.. Like how can those electrons have such a strong bond when they are constantly rotating the atom?
  15. [ame=]The Quantum Reality[/ame]

    [ame=]Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot[/ame]
  16. The fact that we could do whatever the fuck we want.

  17. I wish every politician was forced to really consider this message at least once a week hahah.

    I think its weird to think about the universe as like a fractal, that just keeps going infinitely if you zoom in or out, so that as we keep going on to smaller scales we continue to discover smaller and smaller structure, and likewise as we look to larger and larger scales, such as how we now know the galaxy clusters are organized into beautiful filament-like structures.

    Its not necessarily true, perhaps even down right wrong with the planck length and such. But supposing it so, then any difference at one of the smaller scales, that go on forever mind you, would lead to butterfly effect kind of changes on the following ones, as they are each built atop one another, and same with our scale going out to the larger ones. Idk, but its pretty trippy to think about being on some arbitrary scale within infinitely many more.
  18. [​IMG]

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