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Blow My Mind.

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Probot, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Ok, so I smoke more or less exclusively spliffs. Never really felt the need to own any equipment. That is until... I GOT A JOB! Haha.

    So, I'm gonna set £100 aside (or like $100,000 in USD ;) Nah, about $130, something like that!) and I'm asking you what gettin' high paraphanelia I should get with that money, that'll change my opinion that there's no real need to do anything other than roll a spliff! All suggestions welcome - I'm not a newbie btw, vaporizers, bongs, blunts, all that jazz - Been smoking for years. I'm looking for something a little out of the box that'll make my jaw drop a little! Thanks in advance :D
  2. [​IMG]

    Just the Toro micro family, i just figure it might blow your mind a bit. They blow the fuck out of mine everyday,
  3. ^ i think he said in the ~$130 range, lol

    OP i would look into HVY bongs, its a brand and they sell good quality glass.

    If i were you i would just buy their 12" straight tube bong, it has a diffused downstem and it's only $90.

    you'll love a bong :D
  4. I'm thinking a bong! Just resisting the temptation to buy a dumb Cartman bong, haha. Communist - that's a crazy set-up, haha! I did say $130... You selling? ;)

    Thanks for suggestions!
  5. get a smiley/apix tube, they're in your price range
  6. Idk how much they run for but an Apix stem to disk would blow your mind way more than a HVY straight.
  7. ZOB is good for around that price.
  8. Ever since i went vaporizer i can't stop recomending it. I don't what all there is in the 130 ish range because i have a cheap-o china-vape and it's still awesome!!!!

    Check out vaporizers, they definitely aren't some peoples thing but some people ( like me) won't use anything but anymore
  9. well I guess if your thinking about a vape you can try the MFLB, mine should be arriving soon. Ive never seen a negative comment about it
  10. Dude, i just got a vaporgenie today. 60 USD. It isn't the best vape, but it is a nice transition to vaporizers. .5 smoking regularly kept me high for 5 hours today. Not so bad when you put that same amount in a spliff and get high for like 2 hours.
  11. Go with Apix Design glass. Dan once told me he could to a stem to disk for ~$150

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