Blow my mind

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Screamslaughter, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Tell us about your interests., what blows your mind...?
    Not religious stuff though.... Like.... Phisicsl stuff...?
    Sciency stuff :D
  2. the things around us just completely baffle and astound me. things such as how damn beautiful nature is. space is a huge interest of mine just because there is still so much to discover, and it, in theory, goes on forever, without beginning nor an end. it is just amazing.
  3. Time isn't what you think it was.
  4. new world order
  5. The fact that once I die I will no longer exist for eternity. You have one short life and once you die everything you ever knew/did means nothing.

  6. Unless you do something that means something...

    all the drama and worrying means nothing, yes.
  7. The Earth and everything in it, including us, was inside a star once, billions of years ago. The star we come from, was like a egg, and when it ran out of energy, it shrunked and exploded in such a incomprehensible manner thereby creating Life, our planet, etc.

    We are stardust and stardust we will become.
  8. [quote name='"PeruvianDank"']The Earth and everything in it, including us, was inside a star once, billions of years ago. The star we come from, was like a egg, and when it ran out of energy, it shrunked and exploded in such a incomprehensible manner thereby creating Life, our planet, etc.

    We are stardust and stardust we will become.[/quote]

    So what's the purpose of human existence besides positive and negative balancing eachother out?
  9. This blows my mind so good it makes me mind jizz.
  10. lolwut

    Perhaps humans are the most advanced beings in the universe. We constantly daydream of other alien lifeforms contacting/visiting humans, but what if we become those aliens that contact other civilizations (implying there are/will be other civilizations to contact.)

    The size of the universe is something that blows my mind every time it's put into perspective for me.


    We are but a spec on the pale blue dot.

    Also, I like to think about what an amazing time we live in- with all of this technology and social reform etc, and it's more or less only just begun... It's amazing to think about what civilization will be like in a century or two.
  11. Watching my fish tank blows my mind.

    It's beautiful!

    Sorry wish I had a pic to blow your mind, but pics won't do it justice.

    Just watchin random creature go about their lives is amazing. Assuming the tank is creative and many hidin spots are given.

    I prefer my fish tanks to hAve lots of hiding spots, makes for good watching, I hate easy view tanks, so boring.

  12. ...which is a spec compared to our sun. Which is a spec compared to other suns. Which are specs compared to even larger suns.

    It's a giant mindfuck how absolutely tiny we are. We're like... not even ants. We're the invisible bacteria that we walk all over. :p
  13. haha definitely. And to think space is still expanding! Shit's just getting bigger. I hope humanity doesn't kill itself so we can explore the universe :smoking:

    Also, I'll leave this here:

    The Last Question -- Isaac Asimov

  14. Yeah, what tickles my mindgrapes even more than the size of the sun/stars anything out there is the distance between them. Really wild to think about just how far things are away from each other.
  15. i love this thread
  16. [quote name='"m00zix"']

    Perhaps humans are the most advanced beings in the universe. We constantly daydream of other alien lifeforms contacting/visiting humans, but what if we become those aliens that contact other civilizations (implying there are/will be other civilizations to contact.)

    The size of the universe is something that blows my mind every time it's put into perspective for me.

    We are but a spec on the pale blue dot.

    Also, I like to think about what an amazing time we live in- with all of this technology and social reform etc, and it's more or less only just begun... It's amazing to think about what civilization will be like in a century or two.[/quote]

    I wouldnt say we are the most advanced in the universe.. that might be a tad bit egotistical and its whats had us thinking we're the center of the galaxy.

    About that poitive/negative thing, I was trippin out off a couple bowls off the bong.. i was meaning, like... electrons, protons and nuetrons. like, poisitivity and negativity coexisting in perfect harmony to form physical existence as we know it.
  17. Who said we had a purpose? the faster you realize this the faster you will start living. We are nothing but a bunch of coincidences that led life. we might not be the only ones out there, but who fucking knows? until we found out, i am only going to continue doing the things i like, because when i die i wont be able to do them anymore. so the meaning of life is living it, not thinking it.
  18. aren't they only "far away" because that is how we are perceiving them to be?

    for thread, another thing that trips me out is that eternity is right here and now. what we are experiencing is eternity.
  19. #20 1bakedpotato, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012
    [quote name='"waysouth"']
    Who said we had a purpose? the faster you realize this the faster you will start living. We are nothing but a bunch of coincidences that led life. we might not be the only ones out there, but who fucking knows? until we found out, i am only going to continue doing the things i like, because when i die i wont be able to do them anymore. so the meaning of life is living it, not thinking it.[/quote]

    No... Not thinking about why we're here leads to a millions thousand sheep that propel a flawed system of currency. Thats no way to live in my eyes.

    But they've given people means of explination for life... through churches and religions.

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