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Bloom nutes?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by grizzle88, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. #1 grizzle88, Sep 3, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2008
    Hows everyone doing,

    Around ten days ago I began flowering my dozen sour diesel queens. They are in some Fox Farm Soil. Everything is going A-ok and I am interested in getting some advice. Of course the goal in all this is to have the heaviest, dankest buds this nation has ever seen. Does anyone know any Nutrients/ideas/bloom solutions to hit my girls with that they know do some good things? I run co2 often, so i already have that covered.....I was just interested if anyone knows anything along those lines.

    any tips/pointers would be appreciated

  2. I've read good things about advanced nutrients, i think they have something called big bud, might look into that. i could be wrong tho.
  3. Good man. I guess I am just struggling for some commercial names....I'm going to hit up HTG in the near future, see what I can get my hands on.

    Anyone mess with Miracle-Gro?

  4. I would reco0mmend foxfarm.
    they have grow big, big bloom, tigerbloom, beaste bloom, and cha ching. I usse them all. all organic...
  5. i havent heard anything good about miracle -gro. I use the organic MG soil mixed with perlite, and havent had any problems, but dont know about their ferts.
  6. If you only get one thing, get Big Bud. That stuff is killer.

    MG... that stuff doesn't always kill plants but it does screw em up pretty regular. It's hard to use well.

    If you really want to get some massive crazy bud load up with Big Bud, Bud Blood, Carboload, that kinda stuff. Do it rite and you can pull down some serious weight.

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