Bloody Hell... Aphids

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Cannabis_Carni, Sep 22, 2018.

  1. Damnit. I found aphids on my outdoors plants. In fact, one plant is lost because there were too many aphids for me to handle, whereas the other two have a handful of aphids. The first plant looked a little better than this image:
    And the other two had an aphid or two underneath fan leaves.

    I went to get pesticide soap, but couldn't get myself to use it. I've never used pesticides. I checked down the other two plants and I'm going to keep a close eye on them.

    As far as the plant I cut. It is far enough into flower that I may be able to get something out of her. So, I sprayed her clean and hung her up to dry.
  2. Use Safer soap. Its all natural.
  3. That picture isnt bad at all. Were the aphids all over? You can order beneficial insects to control them. Lacewing larvae and ladybugs eat plenty of aphids. Yellow sticky cards will catch the flying ones. Best of the harvest!

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  4. You are so totally right! I swung by the nursery on picked up 1500 ladybugs for $9! 1500! I'm not sure I have 150 aphids left on the plants! ...I am kicking myself for killing the first plant, the ladybugs would have more than saved it. Lessons learned the hard way, I guess.
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  5. Experience and pain are truly the best teachers. Knowing is half the battle and all that - next time those aphids are toast - irie vibes!

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