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Blood test :(

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 40ozkillah, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I have a series of blood tests tomorrow afternoon, and I was wondering if it is safe to toke tonight as well as tomorrow night. What do you guys think?
  2. You can smoke till you pass out if you want. No harm done.
  3. Well, I do have a history of passing out during blood tests if I am not reclined. So, that should be easy. :p
  4. Are they testing you for marijuana use?
  5. Nah, They are testing me for like deficiency of iron and shit like that.

  6. Then smoke away
  7. To ensure yourself the highest chance of not fainting or passing out make sure you eat appropriately that day, like a balanced breakfast and lunch and such.

  8. Thanks for the permission kind sir! :D

  9. Yeah, I am already hydrating a lot tonight just to be on the safe side.

  10. Also idk what time your appointment is but i would advise not smoking all day until after because it will definitely pay a toll on your body especially when you are have a blood test where you will already be weak after it.

  11. Thank you for being so helpful. People like you are what make this a good site.

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