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Blood Pressure Affects on Cessation of Use

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by 2hard2fixagain, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. I have recently been blessed with a extrordinary reason to quit using cannabis (I have used off and on for about 6 years and my experience with cannabis use has been very positive) and have not consumed until today since last week (reason is explained, keep reading). I am a habitual user (around .3 a day, sometimes .5 on a weekend day) and would continue use if it were legal in my state and financially responsible (if I could grow, this would not be an issue) but for now I have a obligation that God has placed in my life that requires me to cease the use of cannabis. I quit combusting because of the affects of elevated blood pressure shortly after a few months ago, I noticed increased pressure in different arteries (specifically under my arms) 10 to 20 minutes after combusting cannabis. I would also feel some slight chest discomfort at times and noticed that I felt like I couldnt catch my breath occasionally, and also had slight palpations. I researched this and found I am not the only one that has these issues with comsuming combusted cannabis. I noticed that this did not happen if I vaporized so I had been doing that (in moderation) since I figured that out. I have been to a cardiologist and my heart and stress tests check out fine. I have a history of slightly high blood pressure (dystolic is usually around 130 to 135).
    I had absolutley no withdrawal symptoms (due to the fact I genuinely want to quit to be ble to support my life at this point in time) in the first 5 days until yesterday. DId not feel palpations, heavy windedness or pressure in relavant areas at all, nor anxiety, but I did seem a little irritable the past few days. I randomly felt pressure in my brachial arteries yesterday and could tell my blood pressure was elevated by the way I felt. Today I went to lay down and suddenly had some chest discomfort (cannabis is known to have adverse affects on lying and standing blood pressure) and I could tell, again, that my blood pressure was high. I immedieatley did some research on the affects of cesation of use and reasoned that the most reasonable thing to do is to consume a small ammount of cannabis (two vaped hits). I checked my blood pressure some time after this (4 hours or so) and it was 140/80 (a little high even for me). I am changing other things in my life to lower my blood pressure affective today.
    I am just wondering if anyone has had experience with dealing with this and what the best route to take is. I highly prefer to stay away from doctors and blood pressure medications and am wondering what a good starting point is for providing my body with the right ammount of cannabis to gradually quit. My best gander is to check my blood pressure daily (and of course listen to my body) to determine if I am not consuming enough. I am figuring on starting at around 1 bowl (in a small Atmos Orbit vaporizer) every other day. If anyone has experience with this please chime in. I am not absolutley opposed to seeing a doctor, but any doctors experience with this type of issue in my area is going to be extremely limited (and I do not trust them to begin with). Thank you for your time if you got this far and if you can help please post. I am absolutley open to suggestions.

  2. just quit...Ive been quit for 2 months I had a heart transplant and have high blood pressure so I'm quitting until I can get my cholesterol down some...never have chest pains or anything lots of that sounds like you're a bit of a hypochondriac..worrying about it can cause a raise in blood pressure
  3. Quit. You'll be fine. The body doesn't gain a physical dependency from the amount you smoked.

  4. Thanks for the helpful reply cball. I felt,it was very relevant, right to the point too.

    I am considered a hypochondriac because I am having chest pains and arterial pressure while quitting that were previously directly related to cannabis consumption before? You have never had the symptoms I describe yet you have had a heart transplant... Possibly you don't realize that everyone's body reacts differently to cannabis use. I don't want to be the dumbass that has to have a heart transplant from irresponsible self medication, which is the reason I posted this.

    I am 'just quitting'. The only reason I consumed today was to hopefully aid in preventing this discomfort in the future. And you are absolutely right. I bet your heart issues never stressed you out, did they? My body will adapt to not having the substance easier if I gradually decrease use (as it does with any other medication).
  5. #6 2hard2fixagain, Sep 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2015
    Thank you for the encouragement. I do not believe my overall life quality or intellect was affected, but i believe my blood pressure was effectively lowered by the ammount I consumed and this is apparently the issue I am having. If there is scientific knowledge of this, it is hard to believe that the sensations and discomfort I am experiencing are not related to cannabis use (due to me previously having very similar sensations post smoking).

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