** Originally posted in the journal section... just wanted to share my idea for people that are building.. feedback welcome! Alright boys i think i have come close to the end in the on going effort to improve my cabinet. This thing has gone a long way as I picked it up from a local guy selling these metal office cabinets in an empty lot in a local town.. needless to say i picked up this retired server cabinet for $60 cash. After about 16 hours and mucho cash later this is what i have come up with. This is how she sits in a room adjacent to our kitchen.. it kinda sucks having it there but i have no other choice for now. pretty sneaky eh? Opening the door to a gorgeous view of my 4 baby girls from our friends at high grade A better view showing my homemade 400w HPS house in a sun system super sun II reflector. looking up at the top shows my 6 x 18 foothill carbon filter which is routed out using my 6" votex that i have throttled down using a speed controller. The box has a slight hum but no noticeable odors are exhausted. Another shot of the ventilation check it out rumples bubble buckets chillin in the background **right on!! due to the construction of the box and my stupidity and over excitement in starting my baby seedlings I had to switch my 10 girls to a shitty organic miracle grow and peralite mix? my previous hydro tub featured 4 airstones powered by 2 pumps. This thing was massive and held 10 plants and was 35 gallons... yes a pain in the ass to drain so that system was eliminated.. I did not know much at the time and searched for the quicket solution to keep some ladies alive and that was home depot special. Are the pots im using to small? Im thinkning about switching to Fox farms ocean forest and potting the four in there? What size pots and how many bags will i need? Is it safe to switch 2 1/2 weeks into flower? ladies basking in the daylight o no! my babies are starting to show signs of yellowing leaves at the bottom.. man these fans are yellow..advice? I brewed up a solution of 6.0 ph balanced tap water and mixed in a teaspoon of FloraNova Bloom formula and gave them a drink.. advice on the yellowing ? How often would you advise watering? im thinking this helps cool the glass.. i can touch with my hand and its cool... rock on votex !
I love your cabinet. It looks so clean and professional and the stealth is pretty good. What are your temps out and inside the cabinet? What was the final build cost? I just picked up a hydrohut but would trade it in a second for your cabinet! Very nice work! Good luck with the grow. P.s. Might want to get them girls in some bigger pots soon.
my temps stay around 80F and 40% humidity. Im not really sure of the final build cost of the actual cabinet. like i said i purchased the cabinet for $60 and then used about $30 worth of spray paint, $50 on the reflectix... thats basically it as far as just the cabinet... the fans, meters, filters are another story. I dont even want to think of how much $$ i have into this thing