anyone else been seeing them? If you google them, theres Yahoo questions from a few years ago but no one has a real good explanation. I just started seeing them a few nights ago. Some people say they move suddenly and stop in other parts of the sky. I havent seen them move yet, just sitting there blinking for a few hours. then they stop. Anyone see them?
:facepalm: OP no i have not seen shit, I've heard there is supposed to be more alien spacecrafts in our sky this year though, due to their apparent duty to help us in this stage of evolution. This gets into the 2012 prophecy but i'll leave it at that. I was outside smoking a blunt last night, just staring up. Nothing. The first thread is mine. So yeah, I've seen crazy lights in the sky recently.
Yeah I've been seeing weird light also. My GF said she saw a planet size light (we know difference in stars and planets) and this one was slightly larger but suddenly faded. It could be a dying star? Anyways, just more than usual activity is being seen everywhere. Military projects are scary, much more advanced than we pretend to be, we say 30 years ahead but I predict much more.
I saw one of these lights a few years ago. It was quite large and not very far away, ruling out a star of some sort. It was so bizarre that it didn't even hit me until weeks later that "holy shit, I think I might have seen an alien spacecraft!"
My moms really big on UFOs and all that stuff. I believe in it, but only to a certain extent. Last year she wanted me to drive her down to Rio Rico, AZ because some UFO group was going to "summon" ships at some seminar at this hotel. So I drove her down there with my uncle, and we parked in some desolate dirt lot behind the hotel. (Entry fee to get into the event was some absurd amount like $800 a head) There was absolutely no light pollution and you could see every goddamn star in the sky. It was awesome. After about an hour of stargazing, we saw this thing in the sky that didn't do anything but wobble back and forth, not moving, just wobbling. Aircraft doesn't do that, not only that, but it was diamond shaped, and when looking through the binoculars it had four quadrants of pink/green/blue/yellow.. Looked kinda like this:
^Wierd man. Personally I'm inclined to believe that this stuff is the powers that be trying to keep us all scared and under control
Dammit when I am I going to see a UFO. I saw this star sparkling when I was on unmentionable and I swear I thought it was an alien spaceship. It was pulsating.. shit cray!!
no aliens man it's all bullshit aliens with bright colored lights come on you guys are stupid i'm sure aliens care about the colors of their ships "no, today we must send the sky blue and magenta ships down to earth and tomorrow we will send down the maroon and golden ones."
I was looking at a star last night and it was acting much different than usual. It was fading from dark to really bright, continually doing this. I only watched it for a minute but it was weird.
There's 2 Of these that I see every night when its clear out. I recorded them on my itouch to show my friends but they brushed them off as just stars. It's good to know I'm not alone on this lol
[quote name='"budisour"']no aliens man it's all bullshit aliens with bright colored lights come on you guys are stupid i'm sure aliens care about the colors of their ships "no, today we must send the sky blue and magenta ships down to earth and tomorrow we will send down the maroon and golden ones."[/quote] Are u an expert in aliens. Logic works when ur talking about humans.
[quote name='"budisour"']no aliens man it's all bullshit aliens with bright colored lights come on you guys are stupid i'm sure aliens care about the colors of their ships "no, today we must send the sky blue and magenta ships down to earth and tomorrow we will send down the maroon and golden ones."[/quote] All of your knowledge is based on what mankind has created/discovered. Not one human can possibly state facts about the universe and things that could exist (or in your case DON'T EXIST)Humans can't even make it to the edge of our solar system let alone prove that we're completely alone in the universe. Who are you to say aliens don't exist? Who is the US gov't to say they don't exist. NASA is good at taking high res photos of galaxies and that's about it. NASA may make you feel like humans have this great understanding of the universe but in reality they're far from it. Bottom line: Your opinion has no credibility what so ever no does anyone else who is so sure that it's impossible for things to exist else where in the universe.
lol I see your point. Personally like I stated previously, I think that it's more likely to be governmental stuff. Honestly when I saw what I saw I immediately thought "whoever this is wants people to see them" they were bright red lights moving across the sky like an invasion. If they were aliens, I'm gonna guess they'd have the technology to remain at least a little less conspicuous than that. It seems to me that someone wants us people to be afraid that the "aliens" are getting ready to invade. It's all histeria, but fear is a great tool for control.
soo heres a video a woman took thats basically what im talking about. [ame=]**UFO Over Arlington, TEXAS! Flashing Blue, Green, Red and White Lights! Close Up Pictures!** - YouTube[/ame]