Blind kid that can see using sounds like a dolphin!

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by BA, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. #1 BA, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    I was amazed by this

  2. Rad.

    Theres actually products that seeing impared people can buy, that use Sonar technology. Belts, aswell as special hand bands, and also hand held devices, that increase the frequency of a beeping sound as abjects they're facing get closer.

    This kids saving some dosh tho, although the skill will be useless as he grows older and inevitably looses the ability to hear higher pitched sounds.
  3. that kid is far more incredible than the technology he uses to "see"
    dope shit.
  4. Wow this is amazing.
  5. RIP Ben, he was only 17...

    [ame=""]YouTube - Teen Who Used Echolocation Dies Of Cancer[/ame]
  6. #6 Fresh Error, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    shit homie.^^^
    well, he was a beautiful and inspirational presence for the time he was here. he proved more about his character in his 17 years than most can hope to prove by the end of their elderly lives. live on homie!
  7. pretty inspirational dude. and to think theres people in the world bitchin about how fat they are or what ever flaw they got. this dude said fuck it and continued to live a happy life.

  8. no doubt, Ben was dope!!!
  9. They say the good die young and the hard die best.
  10. remarkable, rest easy ben.
  11. Holy shit, thats totally incredible.

    Rest in peace ben :(

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