so it was getting warm in my garage while i was working in there so i pluged in an small AC unit and a roommate came home and opend the garage and everything shut off that was on that fuse so i went to fuse box and nothing tripped to i reset all (since the fuses arn't labeled) and still nothing...what could have went wrong? did i blow the fuse to the point i have to replace or wtf happen?
Better label those fuses, do that by turning them of one at a time, then seeing what is not guys overloaded that circuit, to much power sucking through that circuit, and through the switch.. find out what it was, AC?, plug it into another plug on a different circuit, circuit can handle 2400w, AC operates at 2300w, garage door operates at 250w = so you've overloaded the fuse box/ circuit by an example, better if you do the peace "V"
its only five bucks to run to lowes and get another breaker. i would up the amps from 15 to 20 or from 20 to 30. but yah, like vostock said. figure out which breaker is the one and replace. they can wear out to the point that they no longer come on at all. the older the house.. the better the odd of it wearing out. plus... if the garage stays hot... that will also put wear and tear on the breakers over the years. if you have a multi tester... take the cover off of the breaker box and test the voltage coming out of the breakers. that will keep you from having to reset all clocks etc. just be careful. theres a lot of power coming out of that box. you want to put the black probe to the ground strip.<--green. or white if your like me and dont have grounds. then the red probe to the wire coming out of the side of the breaker. the one that doesnt read 110... is the bad one.
Thanks everyone! i just went out last night and gave it one last "switch" and it finally switched back into the "on" position so i guess it got overloaded and was to hot to switch back. But im deff going to switch them out for 30amp (they are 20amps now) i mean who puts 20 amps for half the outlets in the house (all the outlets in garage and every bathroom was on this single 20 amp circuit) but now i know this is a problem i will fix and spread the plugs on different circuits!
Misinformation on so many levels! Increasing your overcurrent protection without upgrading the wire is a NO! NO!!! You had an onrush from the garage door that tripped the shared circuit. You need some isolation/dedicated circuits.
you are 100% correct. probably why they dont like people like me talking about electricity on this site. but what i said to do will work. i did the exact same thing to my brothers garage years ago when we hooked up a 10k btu that draws a constant 9 point something amps. he uses the garage door twice a day like clockwork. i relize there are more variables involved but for what the op said... there shouldnt be an issue. for one... code specs are waaaay on the safe side. and two.. the garage door isnt something that gets used often. nor is it something that runs for a long enough period of time to hurt/heat anything. when your life is run by fat stuffy guys in suits, sitting behind a desk and smoking cigars.... there is nothing to live for. sometimes you gotta think it out and say... that will work.