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Blending for hash, but theres a slight problem..advice?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by kingdomofzion, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Hey guys :) 

    So finished a crop, aired it out. Just from the initial cutting, and trimming from sticks, there was a ton of scrap, and I decided I wanted to make a little hash for experiment. Threw in a nice little nug, blended with freezing water. Everything was going to plan. 

    So i'm waiting for it to finish settling, and i've noticed one thing - there's a bunch of plant matter floating on top, but there seems to be half-cm layer that has settled at the bottom too, and it looks like the kief has decided to settle ontop/around this layer. What to do? I figure I just repeat the process a few times, but my luck tells me the plant matter may just keep falling...

    Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks!

  2. I have tried ice water deal like that and it sucks.
    You can get a 5 bag set of bubble bags and a pollen press screen on E-bay for $20
    I have about a pound of trim I need to run in the freezer.
  3. If its what im thinking of its called gumby hash, tried it once wouldnt say it was worth it i would just get some bubble bags
  4. Yeah for sure, but for now the problem remains...I've tried hash made this way before and it was fine - but i've never heard of some of the matter falling to the bottom before either. Grr. 
  5. [quote name="kingdomofzion" post="19426634" timestamp="1390969859"]Yeah for sure, but for now the problem remains...I've tried hash made this way before and it was fine - but i've never heard of some of the matter falling to the bottom before either. Grr. [/quote]How are you filtering the weed to begin with? That may be where you want to start looking Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Huh. I wasn't filtering anything, just using trimmed leaf and some of the tiny buds no one will take, and throwin' em in a blender. 
  7. [quote name="kingdomofzion" post="19439928" timestamp="1391146752"]Huh. I wasn't filtering anything, just using trimmed leaf and some of the tiny buds no one will take, and throwin' em in a blender. [/quote]Exactly so how did you filter out the plant material to begin with?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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