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bleh. bowl tastes nasty after cleaning

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by indigo1, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. so, amateur here. pretty sure i cleaned my bowl unproperly following some youtube instructions of putting it in hot water, soaking it in a multi purpose cleaner, soaking in hot water again- it did clean the bowl and make it look like new... but every time i take a hit now i get this soapy chemical-y taste with it. pretty nasty. i was wondering if anyone had any tips on getting this odor out besides just smoking a lot through it? boil it in hot water or something? :confused:
  2. what cleaner did you use?
  3. simple green i believe.

  4. If you used simple green you gotta make sure to really rinse that shit out with warm water. You probably just need to wash it out more because I'm sure that isnt good to inhale :p
  5. I would imagine boiling it will get rid of that chemically taste, but for future reference, good ol' isopropyl alcohol (90% or better) will do the trick faster, and just as if not more efficiently.

    Place your piece in a ziploc bag. Cover it with the iso. Add a healthy amount of salt (the salt does not dissolve in alcohol, and will act as an abrasive cleaner.) Then shake the son-bitch til it's clean!!

  6. appreciate it man! thanks
  7. [quote name='"LongBottomLeaf"']I would imagine boiling it will get rid of that chemically taste, but for future reference, good ol' isopropyl alcohol (90% or better) will do the trick faster, and just as if not more efficiently.

    Place your piece in a ziploc bag. Cover it with the iso. Add a healthy amount of salt (the salt does not dissolve in alcohol, and will act as an abrasive cleaner.) Then shake the son-bitch til it's clean!![/quote]


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