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bleed while high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by scynt, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. last night a hour or so after i was :smoke: I started chewing on my nails(bad habbit) and I bit back to far. I started bleeding and i figuired it will stop eventually a few hours roll around, my finger i cut is cold as fuck and it was still bleeding after i put a band-aide on it.. Why is this? Ive cut my self not high and it stops after a few mins.
  2. You know father time, and we all know mother nature. It's all in the family but I am of no relation.

  3. whatttt
  4. #4 Lil Sis, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    I don't think it has anything to do with you being high.

    I used to bite my nails. Every once & a while you just get carried away and pull off more than you thought. Thus you bleed. the end. I wouldn't fret.;)
  5. Paper chasing, tell the paper, "look I'm right behind ya!"
    Bitch real G's move in silence like lasaGna!

    On a serious note, being high increases blood flow so that's why you were leaking.

  6. No matter who's buyin, I'm a celebration, black and white diamonds, fuck segregation!
  7. 6'7 is just ridiculous!!:hello:
  8. Being high increase your blood pressue, hence more blood to your veins and all over your body. Same reason why your eyes get read. Faster heart beat = more blood throughout the body.

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