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Blazing While Sick

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Murder88, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. sick as fuck and can't smoke! im and all day everyday smoker so i need to get baked somehow, my grinder is full of kief, does anyone know if i made a cup of neo-citron and pour all my kief into it and a lil honey for taste, will this get me stoned?

  2. just smoke it... its kief...  dont need to smoke much of it or hold it in long..
    cough cough. hydrate, repeat until stoned.
  3. obviouslly you don't understand why im asking this im sick as fuck and it hurts to smoke, hence why i posted a question asking if i can pour it in my neo citron, learn to fucking read
  4. if you're that sick, maybe you shouldn't consume anything except medicine for your symptoms? but feel free to waste your own bud on such nonsense.
  5. good i don't care, i can buy all the weed i want, wasting is not somthing i really care about, maybe getting stoned helps me feel better just smoking hurts my throat, so you have never heard of weed tea??? im simply asking a question jeezzz someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today
  6. feel free to post a revalint asnwer on this question , or you can waste more of your time talking up your ass
  7. Pretty sure it was you. Js

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  8. No that method youre talking about wont cut it. Youre not likely to get kief to work for you quick enough for ingestion. Smoking is the quickest way to get yourself stoned. Just smoke lightly.
  9. Agreed though, telling someone to learn to fucking read is a pretty quick way to alienate someone whose trying to provide an answer. Whether or not its an answer that you like,
    Actually i retract my statement. Firecrackers are pretty quick. And the kief has the perfect surface area.
  10. I will forgive OP, they're just groggy.
    since you're new here, OP, this is how we roll. If you ask a question or ask for advice,
    you're going to get a brainstorm.. it won't always be what you want. no need to be hostile.
  11. Exactly what I was thinking haha

    Stay tokin
    Stay smokin
  12. Right though. Even the simplest questions turn into deep philosophical debates.

    But yeah. OPs sick as a dog. OP should look at being sick on the bright side though. A wonderful opportunity and excuse to get fucked up.
  13. yes not trying to be hostile just a bit snappy at everyone today, i smoke weed all day so last couple days been limited to maybe 1-2hoots a day plus im sick so my bad, i ended up putting like half grinders worth of kief into my ne-citron with sum honey i let it sit for like 5 minutes n drank it, added a nice taste and got me kinda stoned, not as much as smoking it but i felt it a bit.
  14. and for that firecracker, ive never heard of it, maybe i'll try that tn
  15. need to get myself a vape
  16. Make tea. But first make weed butter and melt it in water with milk and a black tea with honey. Honestly tastes amazing and the buzz is awesome
  17. i don't have enough weed to make butter atm, i did have 10 grams of stems and all the other leftovers from bud, i made a Caribou Lou Green Dragon with it, my fuck it was killer, knocked me on my ass
  18. Make a DIY suppository.
    If this is the case then get out some extra cash and go buy yourself a vaporizer of your choosing already!  :smoke:

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