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Blazing make you sleep longer?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Boojeah, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Yo, so the past few days ive upped from about 1 sesh a day to 3-4. When ive gone to bed ill sleep 10-12 hours, is this normal? I dont get anywhere near as much sober. Is mary jane allowing me to sleep the amount of hours i REALLY need or is she just wasting my time?

  2. its helping id say.

    sleepin like a baby eh?:smoke:
  3. when i smoke weed on the regular (which i havent been for the past month) i am able to sleep probably a whole 8 hours in contrast to the 5 that i usually get now 10 to 12 thats a lotta damn hours of sleep i think u could get up if u wanted to i think with that many hours of sleep u juss gotta CHOOSE to stay in the bed
  4. One of the best ways to sleep that I've found thus far.
  5. Yeah! Thats what im wondering, do i actually need the sleep or am i just being lazy.
  6. It doesn't affect the amount of time I sleep, but it makes falling asleep easier.
  7. Lazy.
    This is what happens to me.
  8. Burning doesn't necessarily make me sleep longer, but i sleep better. nothing can disturb me. Especially if i smoke right before bed. heaven. :smoking:
  9. No you're not sleeping longer because of Marijuana, you're sleeping BETTER.

    You're more relaxed before you go to sleep.

    Chill + weed + a little more chill = fucking good sleep.

    You'd sleep the same amount probably anyway, and just still feel tierd when you wake up ;)
  10. Well if i was getting a good QUALITY sleep wouldnt i be sleeping less and feeling more refreshed? I still dont know if i need the extra hours of sleep
  11. If i go to bed high i sleep like a brick man, I just go out and don't move for like 12 hours, and then i wake up and feel great. I don't know about 12 hour but on a given night i usually get 9-12. I love sleeping, its the greatest part of the day.
  12. your body is probly not getting enough rest and it is already fatigued..when you smoke weed you get tired..your muscles relax..then you get the sleep your body was robbed of
  13. yeah man whenever i go to sleep stoned ill be out for a while. especially if im in a dark room in my comfy ass bed.
  14. Shit I've only been smoking once a day after work and I'll sleep from 3 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon. I could probably sleep even longer if people stopped waking me the fuck up
  15. doing anything that makes you alter your conciousness, alcohol, weed, even tobacco, will make you sleep longer. going to bed like that makes your body need more time to go into the REM cycle. so in contrast to maybe 45 minutes to go into your REM cycle, it woiuld take an hour and a half.

    but i love smoking weed and falling sleep :D
  16. stops me dreaming for some reason.
  17. ive found that it makes me sleep deeper but not necessarily longer... but i wake up usually feeling refreshed...
  18. I find that if i go to bed after smoking I'll sleep longer but it won't be deep sleep
  19. Stops me from dreaming but i find it makes me sleep sooner so i wake up earlier generally. But last night i got real high and went to bed mad late and randomly woke up before a meeting I had early today, which i forgot to set my alarm for. Fortunate
  20. Definetely stops me from dreaming or at least remembering my dreams.

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