Yesterday I smoked a couple bowls with my girlfriend and It was so great instead of getting chill right Away we both felt adventurous! And I was seeing things and hearing crazy noises and fireworks were scaring the shit out of me it was great! I never thought I'd get that high again I'm still Not sure why it affected me this time more than lately.. I held my Breaths in longer is that why I got more high? Or is it just a coincidence?
Everytime you smoke, pay attention to how you inhale. First take a hit, and then breath in again to push the smoke into your lungs, it may have been the quality of weed or the way you smoked it. Make sure you inhale properly!
Ya buddy! Cannabis is around the same age as the earth, it has much information to be accessed in it's "zero point field". Keep on experiencing knowledge!
Im jealous haha. This rarely happens anymore and if it does it is because i smoked half my supply in one sittng lol.
Holding in it longer does nothing. I think it was like 3-5 seconds and it's as good as it's gonna get. Could be wrong on those numbers. Breathing deeper in though should help. Question though, had you been on a small break from weed for a few weeks?
Well before prom weekend we went without it for 3 weeks but we smoked 3 times before this last time where I got blazed like a beginner
Aw man. Went a month without. Six hits, and I just tried to smoke some through a date that I'd bitten a hole at each end of, and it worked, it was goddamn delicious, and then I ate the date and it was like a strange exotic candy that Omar Khayyam would eaten while discovering the general case for the extraction of roots in binomial context. It was excellent.
At my age, it's usually about $60 in Tijuana. I'm sorry, that's not what you... Right, it's a dried pitted plant thing, very sweet, kind of, I dunno, starch, but quite good and relatively easy to store in primitive conditions.