Blatant disrespect americans show for canadians

Discussion in 'General' started by 4Sheezy, May 23, 2011.

  1. I can take no credit for the video, Jimi Thing, posted it in another thread. That's completely understandable.
  2. I fail to see what the fuss is a'boot...

  3. Jimi thing can take no credit for the video, for there is a 99.9% chance he did not create it.
  4. I love Canada and plan on moving there. I live i America and hate it. and to the guy talking about the people and the government, your wrong. The government does what they want when they want how they want, thay dont give a fuck about any single person, and in the 9/11 case they care more about money then the 2000+ people who they themselves killed.... to make that money.
  5. At/watched, the point is you're picking the wrong group of people to make generalizations.
  6. #26 Flemian, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Ahahaha that's just funny.

  7. I don't feel like arguing with you because you haven't studied political science, AT ALL. That much is obvious. :smoke:
  8. #28 4Sheezy, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I love how south park pokes fun at the ignorance, so funny.
  9. #29 4Sheezy, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm not making generalizations. I'm not saying all of America. I used examples from areas where I come into contact with it and provided examples, I'm sorry if i wasn't clear in my wording I do not mean all Americans or even close to that.

  10. You are studying something that they put there for you to study. So you just believe everything you read in a text book? how about the health book in college that says weed can cause seizures?

    you are going to college to make the government money, that is all they care about. Why do u think single mothers and legal immigrants get so much free government aide? Its so that child or person can make money for a company that is making money for the government.

  11. You're missing the most obvious part, a large portion of people at sporting events are extremely intoxicated on alcohol. I mean, show me examples of sober Americans behaving this way. I mean even if you can find me examples you have to realize that there are just so many stupid people in this world. Just learn to laugh at them I guess. But really, those people were drunk...
  12. #32 4Sheezy, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm sorry for not allowing the drunk excuse to pass. That's absurd to think even 50 percent of those people were drunk at the start of the game.
    Edit: also I'm missing no point, I was responding to the guy who thought I was generalizing, I was explaining myself. You keep repeating the same points, I have acknowledged them, please just let me respond to someone who misunderstood what I was getting at without having to defend myself every post.
  13. #33 WarriorsOfLife, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2011
    I despise drunks. You should too.

    (assume they weren't drunk, it makes no difference)

    Just to humor you, what punishments would you like to see for these people? I agree, there should be zero tolerance for this behavior, so what should be done?
  14. #34 4Sheezy, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    No punishment, just raise awareness so hopefully the amount of people that are doing it or think like this decreases.
  15. Well, Canada has their best man on the case...

    [​IMG] justice will prevail!
  16. #36 WarriorsOfLife, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2011
    Oh..carry on then. :)

    But really, you're in the wrong place to be doing this. You're practically preaching to the choir.

    I'll give you tips:

    bodybuilding forums
    football (and, to a lesser extent, other sporting) forums

    That's all I can think of for right now but you're surely in the wrong forum for this
  17. the way i see it, canada is just like that little brother that you have to hate on just because he's your brother, but you still love him because he's your brother.
  18. yessir

    And they're also like your little brother because little brothers tend to get more sensitive when you pick on them, whereas when they attempt to pick on you you just put them in their place ;)
  19. same can be said for here
  20. You're entitled to your opinion.

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