Blades trust me, listen to my rap

Discussion in 'The Musician in U' started by Mista Marijuana, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. People have said I am very good, but it's my passion and so nothings going to stop me from being the best, that's just how i am.

    [ame=]Destined - Kuning - YouTube[/ame]
  2. It's good that it's a passion, and you're not serious about.
  3. This is really good dude
  4. I don;t really have an ear for rap, but I know bad music when I hear it, and that sure wasn't! good job :D
  5. It's ok needs more personality, like your own beat the fits with your lyrics better and a choirs. But good rap you should try rapping Ina little bit lower voice, but your can't always control that but I like it:)
  6. i seriously don't understand your train of thought for posting this in the "TOKERS Q&A" section.
  7. I liked it
  8. thanks guys, anybody else got some feedback?
  9. [quote name='"Mista Marijuana"']thanks guys, anybody else got some feedback?[/quote]

    Are you reading what you write?

  10. what do u mean?
  11. Are you reading your bars or do you have them memorized when you record?

  12. u know what man your right, 2 of those verses i read, one i had memorized. so i should recite every verse from memory from now on right? so its more fluid?
  13. [quote name='"Mista Marijuana"']

    u know what man your right, 2 of those verses i read, one i had memorized. so i should recite every verse from memory from now on right? so its more fluid?[/quote]

    Exactly. You'll be less worried about trying to read the words right and you'll flow better with beat. Rapping is 25% lyrical content and 75% delivery. It's not what you say but how you say it, atleast that's what I believe. So I think it'll sound better if you already have it memorized because you can put more personality into it and not be so worried about trying to read.

  14. thanks
  15. Stop listening to Eminem it's obvious your a big fan and it's sadly rubbing off into your music.

  16. woah woah....really?

    he is in my top 5 or 6 rappers of all time, but i listen to everything
    but i really sound like im trying to imitate him? it has to be coincidence cuz how i rapped in that song is my only rap voice..
  17. Really good except your flow was off at some parts cause you need a producer to make a song specifically for your lyrics

  18. Yeah he's right about this...

    aww ready know.

  19. im going2 email u now man

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