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Blackout X Imploded On Me?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by KingCantaloupe, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. So if any of you watch the YouTube series "Getting Doug With High" with Doug Benson, you've probably seen him promoting this new vape pen called the Blackout X. It's pretty cheap and is kind of like a hookah pen that has a certain number of puffs and then is disposable, but you can put various things in it to vaporize. So after about 5 hits, something on it burned the fuck out of my finger, and i couldn't figure out where it came from. Then I saw a small hole on it where the pen imploded! I don't know how else to describe it! I'm going to include a picture, can anyone tell me why this happened??? ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1415340837.654542.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1415340882.652728.jpg

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  2. I'm lost for words dude. That's definitely a class A safety hazard.

    what would potential thoughts on bud be also if people saw vaporizers melting/exploding? not good brother.
    (currently @ a 10/10 [took a .5 dab literally right before this])
    so pardon Any wording blemishes in my statements. just a high thought up there
  3. Nobody can offer any insight?

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  4. bump because this isn't some spam.
  5. I wish I could tell you what the problem was but that sure as hell gives me a reason to stay away from the blackout X.
  6. Hopefully you didn't pay too much but thanks for letting us all know not to buy one
  7. Dude that's because Doug was probably paid to promote that piece of junk.

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  8. My focus was more to get some insight on what happened mechanically to melt my pen

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  9. you came to a stoner site to find out about the inner workings of a piece of tech.. good idea. some people here only have a tentative grasp on how to even use pens like that, let alone troubleshoot one. all we can tell you is that its a POS.
  10. #10 SIRSOG, Nov 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2014
    lol is there a light where the green x is?
    Could be the light circuitry melted it, or some of the electronics something in there clearly werent configured properly.....
  11. I wouldnt sell this community that short...
  12. ive been here for a while, there are a ton of people here with tons of experience in everything,but theres equally a ton of dumbasses. hell when i first came to GC three or four years ago i was a completely asshat. I dread to go back and read some of the shit i posted. 
  13. If we posted questions everyone on here knew the answer to, there would be no point in posting them now would there?

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